M38A1 Dip Stick
These are an original NOS M38A1 Dip Stick still cosmoline
Special Price - $15.00
M38A1 Driver Seat Frames NOS We
are overstocked on these NOS M38A1 Driver Seat Frames. Limited Time
Price $200.00

24v Wiper Motor
This is a replacement Wiper Motor which will replace the
vacuum motor with some modification. This motor is U.S. Made.

Also Available
Wiper Arm, Blade & Nut kit $18.50

Voltage Regulator Base M38-M38A1
This is a NOS Voltage Regulator Base with filters.
Comes complete with data plate.
Special Price $45.00

Right Tail Light Rebuilding Kit NOS
This is the inside sockets and wires to rebuild the taillight
internally to to new condition.
Price $25.00

Give that distributor a new
look with a new distributor outer cover. These covers were taken off
of new distributors.
Price $30.00

Distributor Body NOS - M38/M38A1
These are NEW Distributor Housings with Bearing and Data
Plate. This is the perfect product to rebuild your distributor if you
are experiencing a wobbling distributor shaft.
- Price $45.00 -

Oil Pressure Gauge with
This gauge is for the
any model jeep. It can be used in 6, 12, and 24 volt as it comes with different resistors for
varying voltages and a sender unit.
Price $35.00

Ignition Wire Set (Will fit
These are sets of government
surplus Ignition Wire Sets that will fit the M38.
Special Price - $100.00

24 Volt Red Bulb
This bulb can be used in the blackout fender light as a
replacement for the shielded light. If your doing an MP Jeep this bulb
is all you need to covert the blackout drive.
Price $12.00

M38 Cuno Oil Filter Head
This is the top half of the Cuno filter
which has the element in it.
I have a large quantity of these and I am
offering them at a reduced price.
Special Price - $15.00

This is a complete antenna package
for the M38 or M38A1.

Grill Key Chain
- M38A1
These are high quality metal key
chains. They will make a nice gift
for a jeep enthusiast.
Price $14.00

Footman Loop M38/M38A1 NOS
6 Piece Set - Price $24.00

Air Cleaner
These are NOS Air
Cleaner Elements. At this price it
does not pay to clean them.
Normal $45.00 - Special
Price $40.00

Headlight Ring w/ Seal NOS
These are original NOS Headlight
Rings for the M38 and M38A1.
Price $40.00

Taillight Bulb
24 Volt
These are boxes of
10 Taillight Bulbs. These are the larger of the two tail light bulbs. They are
24 Volt and NOS. GE - just the good stuff.
Price $15.00

M38A1 Fuel Tank Well w/ Driver
Side Floor Pan & Hat Channels
This is an original
NOS, not a reproduction. It comes
complete with the hat channel.
Special $275.00

M38 Front Spring Clip NOS
This is for the large end of the front spring.
Price $10.00
M38-M38A1 Rear Seat Cushion
I've had these in my warehouse and decided to offer them
at a special price. They come with the vinyl type cover, padding and
spring. If you're thinking of getting new seat cushions here's a
chance to have an original rear cushion and have it recovered.
24 Volt Replacement Horn
This is a horn that we have
available for the less discriminating customer who needs a 24 Volt Horn, but doesn't
care about it being original.
Price $25.00
Don't see what you are looking for?
Try checking our M38-M38A1