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Please visit our Jeep Parts Catalogs to view our entire selection of Jeep Parts.  We offer many more parts than what is pictured here.

Jeep Parts Catalogs

Emergency Brake Lever NOS 

CJ3B - CJ5

These levers are the type that are mounted under the dash. These handle are new and have never been used, but  they do have some shelf wear from years of storage

Price $150.00


Cylinder Head Gasket F Head NOS

These are original surplus Cylinder Head Gaskets for the F Head Engine.  Made in the USA by Victor.  Only the best.

These Gaskets are being sold in pairs.

- Price - $25.00 per pair - 

Single Action Fuel Pump

These are replacement Single Action Fuel Pumps that can be used on the L-Head Engine in the MB, GPW, CJ2A, CJ3A and M38.

- Price - $25.00 -


NOS Dash Light Set


These are original, not reproduction.  They will fit CJ2A, 3A and 3B.


Price $45.00 each

Willys CJ3B & CJ5 Tune Up Kit

This is a tune up kit for the early CJ5 with the four cylinder engine.  Includes cap, plugs, rotor, points and condenser.

Price $59.00

3 Prong Headlight Connector 

These are original NOS 3 Prong Headlight Connectors used on Jeeps like the WWII MB and GPW as well as the CJ2A, CJ3A, CJ3B and CJ5.  These are great for or repairing your wiring harness to make a good connection with your Headlight.  Original Packaging is not included.

- Price $20.00 per Connector -




Headlight Bulb 12 Volt


This will fit all CJ jeep models that use the round headlight bulb.  We offer GE and Westinghouse, our choice at time of shipment - matched brand if multiple are purchased.


- Price $30.00 -

Willys CJ3B & CJ5 12 Volt Starter

These are original NOS Prestolite 12 Volt Starters for the CJ3B and CJ5.

Price on Request.




3 Stud Tire Carrier

These are older reproduction Tire Carriers that are not up to our standards.  We are selling them at a reduced price.  Bolt on anywhere.

- Price - $15.00 -

Rusty Muffler Special


We have a large quantity of these mufflers that have been exposed to the weather and have a good coating of rust on them.  Some are also dented from being poorly stored.  The good news is these mufflers are brand new internally.  This is a great muffler for a user Jeep.

This can also be used for all Willys Military Jeep Models if you have the civilian exhaust system.

Price $25.00

All sales are final.  No exchange.

Damaged Steering Wheel Special

Late CJ3B CJ5

We have a selection of these NOS steering wheels that were stored improperly and were either cracked or are chipped in the top of the steering wheel.  These are a great steering wheel if you are building an off road vehicle and are not concerned about details.

Price $50.00

All sales are final.  No exchange.


Don't see the Civilian Jeep Parts you are looking for?

Try checking our CJ2A-CJ3A and CJ3B-CJ5 Catalogs.

9 1/4 Inch Pressure Plate & Disk for CJ5

These are NOS U.S. Made clutch pressure plates and disks.  These are impossible to find.  Most companies are going out of the country now for these parts.  Here is your chance to buy these U.S. Made.

Price $240.00 per set

We also have U.S. Made Clutch Bearings at $30.00





Master Cylinder

These are original U.S. Made Master Cylinders for the Gladiator Station Wagon '62-65 and Trucks 62-67'

Price $115.00

NOS Voltage Regulator 12 Volt

These are NOS 12 Volt Voltage Regulators for the CJ3B and CJ5.  U.S. Made.

Price $55.00


Don't see the CJ Parts you are looking for?


Try checking our CJ2A-CJ3A and CJ3B-CJ5 Catalogs.


Willys CJ5 V6 Oil Filter Elements

We found a surplus of these oil filter elements for the later V6 CJ5.

Price $6.00

Muffler Willys CJ5 V6

Price $45.00




Late Willys CJ5 CJ6  Spring Shackle Kit NOS



CJ2A, 3A, Pickup & Wagon Tail light.  


This is an old replacement tail light that we found in our warehouse.  This is old stock, but not original.




Light Switch 

CJ2A, CJ3A & CJ5

This is an older reproduction light switch that we have in our inventory.  Comes with knob and circuit breaker and is U.S. Made.

Price $45.00 w/ knob

Price $40.00 w/o knob


Oil Filter Canister Assembly with Filter

These are NOS Fram Oil FIlter Assemblies for the CJ2A, CJ3A, CJ3B and CJ5.  Complete with bands element.

Price $110.00

Oil Lines also available for $15.00 each.

CJ5 & CJ3B Carburetor Kit

U.S. Made

Price $35.00

CJ5 Throttle Cable NOS

Original NOS for CJ5.  This is not some cheap reproduction.

Price $35.00

Don't see the Civilian Jeep Parts you are looking for?  

Try checking our CJ2A-CJ3A And CJ3B-CJ5 Catalogs.

Positive Battery Cable 

12 Volt, 28 inches long

Price $15.00


12 Volt Starter Solenoid NOS

Price $12.00

(click picture for larger view)

Never Before Available

CJ2A, 3A, 3B & CJ5 6 Volt Horn

Price $150.00

(click picture for larger views)

Trailer Black Out Light

These are for WWII larger truck trailers.  They are NOS and in excellent condition.

Price $20.00


CJ5 Steering Wheel

This is an old aftermarket steering wheel we had in our warehouse which is a copy of the original Sheller type.  It was made in the 70's and the quality is far superior than the steering wheels made today.

Price $120.00

Oil Filter Element CJ2A, 3A, 3B & CJ5

We have been organizing our warehouse and have found that we have a larger quantity of these filters than we previously thought.  For that we are offering them at a special price.

Price $15.00

CJ5 Grill Marker Light NOS


CJ5 Headlight with Bucket 12 Volt

Price $45.00

CJ5 Taillight for early Willys models






CJ5 Inner Rubber Seal

This is for the swing out type windshield frame that wraps around the inner frame.




I have a small quantity of these NOS engine Governors.  

They are made by the Pierce Governor Company.  

Call me on price.



24 volt Replacement Horn

This is a surplus horn that we found in our warehouse that can be used on any M38 or M38A1 with a 24 volt system.  It has standard wire connections as you can see in the picture.



These are a good universal Bumperette that we had in our warehouse for many years.  They all have surface rust that can be easily cleaned and painted.  They can be used on any vehicle.

Price $30.00

12V Military Style Horn NOS


These NOS Horns are being offered for those who have a military jeep in 12Vand want a horn with  a military look. 



Original Sparton Turn Signal Switch for CJ5 with cancel wheel N.O.S. 

Price On Request. 

Gasket Scraper

We found these antique Gasket Scrapers in our warehouse and are offering them at a reduced price.


This is a good universal 6 volt temperature gauge which can be used on most model Jeeps.  It comes with sending unit and has cut outs on the side for dash illumination.


Oil Gauge

 I just found these in my warehouse,
they are U.S. made and they have a replacement gauge for the MB-GPW, CJ2A, 3A, 3B.


Oil Gauge

This gauge is for the any model jeep
it can be used in 6, 12, and 24 volt, it comes
with three different resistors for voltage
and sender. 


Speedo Cluster CJ3B-CJ5, 6

These are N.O.S., not a reproductions.

Price on Request


 Limited Quantity

Don't see the Civilian Jeep Parts you are looking for?  

Try checking our CJ2A-CJ3A and CJ3B-CJ5 Catalogs.

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