Prices are subject to change without notice.

Call: (631) 874-8660     Fax: (631) 874-3831





Gillespie Paint

We now offer several popular Gillespie Paint Colors in Gallons.

- Coming Soon in Aerosol Sprays -

319 WWII Lusterless Olive Drab

This is a lighter Olive Drab correct for many light and heavy skinned WWII vehicles.

- Price per Gallon - $58.00 -

- Price for a 4 Gallon Case - $220.00 -

319 WWII Lusterless Olive Drab

This is a lighter Olive Drab correct for many light and heavy skinned WWII vehicles. 

Made directly from our Gillespie Gallons.

- Price per Aerosol Spray - $10.00 -

33070 WWII Lusterless Olive Drab

This Olive Drab was primarily used by Ford on their vehicles from 1941-1945.

- Price per Gallon - $58.00 -

- Price for a 4 Gallon Case - $220.00 -

33070 WWII Lusterless Olive Drab

This Olive Drab was primarily used by Ford on their vehicles from 1941-1945. 

Made directly from our Gillespie Gallons.

- Price per Aerosol Spray - $10.00 -

WWII AJP Green - Semi-Gloss

Color matched from NOS Parts. This is the Late 44-45 WWII Semi-Gloss.  Used from 1944 till 1957.

Used in late WWII Willys MB and throughout the Korean War.

- Price per Gallon - $58.00 -

- Price for a 4 Gallon Case - $220.00 -

WWII AJP Green - Semi-Gloss

Color matched from NOS Parts. This is the Late 44-45 WWII Semi-Gloss.  Used from 1944 till 1957.

Used in late WWII Willys MB and throughout the Korean War.

Made directly from our Gillespie Gallons.

- Price per Aerosol Spray - $10.00 -

*NEW* U.S. Made Axes

These are the new Reproduction Axes for the MB and GPW.  These axes are made in the USA.  Made to the correct specifications to fit your Jeep.

- Price - $78.00 -


We just found a stash of these original NOS Alemite Grease Guns for the MB and GPW.  They are all a little shelf worn, but still have original paint on the handles and some black cosmoline coating from the original packaging.

- Price - $250.00 -

Grease Gun Bracket Mounting Bracket also available.  Listed below.

Grease Gun Bracket

This is the bracket that is mounted under the hood to secure the grease gun. This is a exact reproduction.

Grease Gun Bracket - $35.00

(please also visit our MB-GPW Catalogs to see our full selection of Jeep Parts)

Desert Cooling Kit

This is a nice reproduction of the cooling kit that was mounted in front of the grill, it comes complete with all brackets and hardware.  This is the best quality cooling kit on the market toady.


WWII Tire Pump

Finally available a high quality WWII Tire Pump with hose and blower fitting.

- Price $175.00 -

Tire Pump Hose

This is a replacement hose for all WWII tire pumps.   Also includes the special fitting for blowing air.

- Tire Pump Hose- Price $40.00 -

Tire Pump Nozzle with Chain

 This is the special nozzle fitting that is used on the WWII Jeep Tire Pump.  This is the nozzle located on the end of the hose where the the air blows out of.

 - Price $25.00 -



Tire Pump Repair Kit (internal)

This kit is for repairing the internal components of your Tire Pump.

- Price $25.00 -

Jeep Phone Stand

These phone stands are  made from whole oak.  Cut and crafted right here in the USA.  These make great gifts for the holidays.

- Price - $12.00 -

Corcoran Brown CB Reflectors

These are exact reproductions round CB Reflectors used on the MB.  These reflectors have the correct No.14 lenses and correct reflector pattern that was used in WWII.

Round Reflector Options


 - Price $65.00 per set of four -

Also available - Round Guide Reflectors that are "F" Marked for the GPW.

Oval Guide Reflectors

These are exact reproductions of the Oval Guide Reflectors used on the later MB and GPW.   These reflectors have the correct No.14 lenses and correct reflector pattern that was used in WWII.

- Price $65.00 per set of four -

First Aid Bracket

This is the bracket mounted under the dash for the first aid kit. Another high quality reproduction 

First Aid Bracket - $45.00

WWII First Aid Box

A beautiful reproduction that you cannot tell from an original.

WWII First Aid Box - $55.00


Now Available

This is the antenna base for the MB GPW Jeep.  Also used on other WWII military vehicles.  This is an exact reproduction.  You will not believe how good this one is.  Satisfaction guaranteed. 

Price $225.00 Limited Supply at this time.

Also available MP-50 Mount $45.00

(please also visit our MB-GPW Catalogs to see our full selection of Jeep Parts)





MP-50 Antenna Mount Bracket

These are a high quality exact reproduction of the MP-50 Antenna Mount Bracket.

- Price $45.00 -

 Antenna Brush Guard Kit

This is a high quality reproduction of the Antenna Brush Guard used on the MB and GPW.  This guard bolts to the MP-50 Antenna Mount and the Body to protect the Antenna.

- Antenna Brush Guard - Price $35.00 - 

Antenna Hold Down Rope

This is a nice reproduction of the WWII hold down rope.

Antenna Hold Down Rope - Price $30.00







Radio Conduit and Cable

This is the Conduit and Cable for the radio junction box.  This is commonly found on 43' and later models for hooking up the radio.

- Radio Conduit and Cable - $200.00 - 

Also available - Radio Junction Box $150.00


Don't see what you are looking for?


Try checking our MB-GPW Exhaust Parts Listing Below.


If something does not have a button to click for ordering then give us a call or send us an email.


Now Available!

WWII Flat Olive Drab

This is a new product developed in Italy by Paolo Batisti, 

 The Long Olive Drab Line

This paint was developed by Paolo, who spent many years of research to ascertain and duplicate the correct color for WWII vehicles.  I feel this is the closest anyone has come to the color and texture of the WWII paints.

$42.00 per Gallon

Aerosol Spray Cans are Now Available

Aerosol Sprays - $10.00 ea.


*NEW* Manual for Installation of Radio Suppression Components, Bonding Straps, Bonding Points, Capacitive Filters and Star Washers

This 92 page illustrated manual by Paolo Batisti is a must have item if you are doing a restoration.

- Price $25.00 -






LED Flashlight

We just came across these great flashlights.  Being a Jeep collector myself I feel this is a very handy flashlight for all Jeep owners.  This is an LED flashlight that is a focusing feature and can slide apart to function as a spot light.  This Flashlight has a magnet in it’s base to hold it in place.  This would be great to keep in the Glove Box and a great way to get some lighting under the hood.  These flashlights are rechargeable with a USB recharging cable.

- Price $35.00 -


LED Pocket Flashlight

I ran across these fantastic flashlights at an automotive industry show.  If you work on your own vehicles these are a great flashlight to have.  They are LED lit and very bright.  The design is small and light, almost like a pen light.  These flashlights are also equipped with a pocket clip and magnet for attaching it to a metal surface.  The flashlight shown is black in color, but other colors are available.  Batteries included.

Price $10.00



Rifle Rack

 This was mounted on the windshield frame of MB-GPW & M38 models. It is the best reproduction of  this item available.

- Price $185.00 -







MB-GPW Rifle Bracket Set

We had these made due to popular demand.  If you do not have rifle brackets on your windshield frame we now have the solution to your problem.  These are high quality reproduction.  They come spot welded and ready to be installed.  This is not the offshore junk that others are selling.  Sold as a set.

- Price $55.00 -

Jerry Can Spout - MB/GPW

This is a new reproduction of the very hard to find jerry can spout.

Price $45.00


Jerry Can Cap Gasket - MB/GPW

These are high quality, fresh, U.S. Made rubber Jerry Can Cap Gaskets.

Price - $5.00

(Jerry Can Cap not available and not included with any Gasket)


Jerry (Gas) Can Carrier Bracket

These are the new reproduction Jerry Can Carriers from SGI.

Price $65.00


Don't see what you are looking for?


Try checking our MB-GPW Exhaust Parts Listing Below.


If something does not have a button to click for ordering then give us a call or send us an email.


Speedometer Cable w/ Metal Housing - MB/GPW

These are the highest quality reproduction Speedometer Cables available today for the MB and GPW.  These Speedometer Cables are a proven product.  They have been in production for more than 10 years and have always been and will continue to be a good and reliable product.  These are not the cheaper quality cables that other dealers are selling.  Don't be fooled.

Price $35.00

Bumper Tow Rope MB-GPW

This is a quality reproduction of the manila tow rope with braided loops used on the MB and GPW. These ropes are 25 feet long.

 - Price $50.00 -





Oil Can Bracket

This is an exact reproduction of the Oil Can Bracket.  These are plated (not painted) and they even have the B stamped on the bottom of them, just like an original.

- Price - $18.00 -

Eagle Oil Can

This is a perfect reproduction of the Eagle Oil Can that is found in all WWII Jeeps and Trucks.

- Price - $20.00 -


These Jacks are part of the Jeep tool kit. This has always been a hard to find item and now your search is over. This high quality reproduction is just like the original.

- Price $135.00 -


Fire Extinguisher

The Fire Extinguisher has always been a hard 
item to find.  With this nice reproduction there will be no more searching Ebay.

Price $150.00

Fire Extinguisher Bracket

This is a nice reproduction of the Fire Extinguisher Bracket that will work in all vehicles.  Comes complete with mounting feet.

 - Fire Extinguisher Bracket - $45.00 -






Early Fire Extinguisher Bracket "F"

This is the new early Fire Extinguisher Bracket with "F" marking.  This is the nicest reproduction of this bracket available.

Price $75.00

New Fire Extinguisher Brass Data Plates

Up until now you could only get decals for your fire extinguisher, but that has now changed.  These are a high quality brass reproduction that can be attached to any unit.

Price $20.00

New Decontaminator Brass Data Plate

Up until now you could only get decals for your decontaminator, but that has now changed.  These are a high quality brass reproduction that can be attached to any unit.

Price $20.00

Decontaminator - MB-GPW

The decontaminator has always been a hard 
item to find.  With this nice reproduction there will be no more searching Ebay.

- Price $200.00 -

Decontaminator Bracket - MB-GPW

This is a quality reproduction of the Decontaminator Bracket used on the MB and GPW.

- Price $45.00 -



Engine Hand Crank

These are reproductions of the Engine Hand Crank. They are available for MB and GPW with correct markings.

Available Options


- MB $45.00 -

- GPW $50.00 -

Hand Crank Nut

High Quality reproduction of the Engine Hand Crank Nut.

- Price - $12.00 - 

Lug Wrench - MB/GPW

These good quality reproduction Lug Wrenches for the MB and GPW.  These lug wrenches are unmarked..  These wrenches are used to remove the lug nuts from your Jeep and it is also used as the lever to operate the Jack.

Lug Wrench MB/GPW - Price $25.00





Hub Puller

Now Available High Quality Hub Puller with Correct Markings.  This was part of the tool kit in all WWII Jeeps.  This is a handy tool to have.

Price $30.00

Hub Wrench

These are high quality reproduction Hub Wrenches found in the tool kit of all Jeeps.  Available in Willys MB and GPW.

Available Options


- Price $25.00 -

Original NOS Hub Wrenches also available for $45.00 - please call.

Original WWII Spark Plug Wrench

Price $15.00





Lubrication Chart MB-GPW

This is a high quality reproduction of the Lubrication Chart used on the MB & GPW.  Each chart is double side printed, laminated and has the correct metal trim.

- Price $45.00 -

Lubrication Chart Holder MB-GPW

This is a high quality reproduction of the Lubrication charge holder that mounts under the hood to hold the lubrication chart.

- Price $50.00 -



Double Decal Set GPW

GPW Double Decal Set - Price $16.00

Double Decal Set MB

MB Double Decal Set - Price $16.00

Mock .30 Caliber Machine Gun 

Now Available are these Mock .30 Caliber Machine Guns.  These mock guns are made from steel.  They are painted black and the receiver does slide.

Please call for more information.

M31C Pedestal Mount

 These are extremely high quality M31C Pedestal Mounts used in the WWII Jeep and many other vehicles.  These Mounts are proudly made in the USA.  Comes as pictured with Data Plate and Legs.

- Price $1000.00 -

The M31C Pedestal Mount Data Plate also available Separately at the price of $14.00.

Fork Mount .30 Cal

This is highest quality reproduction on the market today.

Price $395.00





Mock .50 Caliber Machine Gun

Now Available are these Mock .50 Caliber Machine Guns.  These mock guns are made from steel.  The barrel is removable.   They are painted black, the handles are wooden and the receiver does slide.

Please call for more information.

.50 Cal Cradle Mount

Now available are these .50 Cal Cradle Mounts.  These are the post war mounts.

Price $475.00



1/4 Trailer MBT Bantam - Draw Bar Casting 

These are the new Draw Bar Castings for the WWII MBT and Bantam 1/4 Ton Trailers. Pin and Spring inlcuded.

- Price - $250.00 - 

1/4 Ton Trailer Lunette Eye

This is the new forged Lunette Eye for the 1/4 Ton WWII Trailers like the MBT and Bantam.  Every Lunette Eye includes the Nut, Spring and Washers as pictured.

- Price - $225.00 - Lunette Eye Including Nut, Washers & Spring


1/4 Ton WWII Trailer Taillight Bracket

These are an exact reproduction. 

$35.00 a pair

Taillights also available.








MBT & Bantam Trailer Landing Leg

Now available U.S. Made.

- Price $65.00 -

MBT & Bantam Trailer Leg Casting

Now available U.S. Made.

- Price $85.00 -






Bantam & MBT 1/4 Ton Trailer Wiring Harness

These are high quality reproduction Trailer Wiring Harnesses for the WWII 1/4 ton Bantam & MBT Trailers.

- Price $175.00 -

Black Out Light Switch NOS - Trailer

This is an original NOS Black Out Light Switch for the WWII 1/4 ton MBT or Bantam military trailer.

- Price $95.00 -

1/4 Ton Trailer Floors

These are good reproduction Floors  for the MBT and Bantam 1/4 Ton Trailers. From SGI.

Price $300.00



WWII 1/4 Ton Trailer Safety Chains

These are high quality reproductions of the Trailer Safety Chains for the 1/4 Ton WWII Trailers.

Price $120.00 per set

Don't see what you are looking for?  

Try checking our MB-GPW Exhaust Parts Listing Below.  If something does not have a button to click for ordering then give us a call or send us an email.

Part #

Part Description (Miscellaneous)


Click for Pictures




Body mount pads

$2.00 R.


Ignition key fits all WWII vehicles (H-700)

$10.00 NOS


Ignition switch tumbler W/H700 key

$60.00 NOS

  Switch, Push Button (suitable for siren or any other accessory) $15.00 
WO-A-2882 Doorway, safety strap original  $POR. NOS.


Doorway, safety strap

$35.00 R.


Strap, Axe & Shovel strap set

$25.00 R.

  Strap, Jerry Can Carrier - 1 pc  $25.00 R.
  Strap, Jerry Can Carrier - 2 pc w/ rivets $30.00 R.
  Strap, Top Bow Set $25.00 R.
  Strap, Top Bow Storage Set $25.00 R
WO-A-1344 Cable, speedometer with metal housing (exact) $35.00 R.


Cable, speedometer with plastic housing

$15.00 R.

PICTURE Core, speedometer cable, no housing $25.00 NOS


Cotter pin, kit GPW


Cotter pin, kit MB

$25.00 NOS


Handle, engine crank Willys

$45.00 R.


Handle, engine crank Ford

$50.00 R.


Handle, engine crank (original NOS)


  Bracket, hand crank - to hold to rear panel $10.00 R.


Tow Rope, exact repro w/ braided loops - 25 ft.

$50.00 R.

  T1 Compressor $POR. NOS.
PICTURE Metering Rod Tool, Carter WO Carburetor $12.00 R.
WO-A-348 Wrench, hub, wheel bearing “F” available ask $45.00 NOS


Wrench, hub, wheel bearing

$25.00 R.


Wrench, spark plug, w/handle

$15.00 NOS


Wrench, spark plug, w/handle

$12.00 R.

WO-A-348 Wrench, lug $POR. NOS.


Wrench, lug available in willys & ford

$30.00 R.


Wrench, lug replacement type

$15.00 R.


Wrench, brake bleed screw MB

$10.00 R.


Wrench, brake bleed screw GPW “F”

$10.00 R.

  Wrench, valve tappet adjusting - 1/2 and 7/16 $35.00 NOS


Floor Drain Plug Wrench

$10.00 R.

17-T-805 Roll, friction tape found in tool kit $20.00 NOS
(MB) (GPW) Fan Belt (DEFECTIVE Special) for Spare Parts Kit  Not for Use - correct markings MB & GPW Available $5.00


Jack, exact repro

$125.00 R.

GPW-18136-B Bag, for Tire Chains $30.00 R.


Fire Extinguisher, brass, nice reproduction

$150.00 R.


Fire Extinguisher Brass Data Plate

$20.00 R.


Bracket, fire extinguisher

$45.00 R.


Bracket, fire extinguisher early "F"

$75.00 R.


Bracket, for mounting fire ext. bracket (3 req)

$4.00 R.


Tire pump repair kit hose w/ special fitting

$40.00 R.

PUMP-NOZZLE Tire Pump Hose Nozzle Fitting $25.00 R.


Tire pump rebuilt kit (internal parts)

$25.00 R.


Tire pump

$175.00 R.


Grease gun (in tool pouch)



Grease gun (mt under hood)

$250.00 NOS


Grease gun brt. Mt under hood

$35.00 R.


Hub puller High quality reproduction

$30.00 R.


Pintle hook

$P.O.R. R.


Rifle Carrier (windshield mounted)

$185.00 R.


First aid kit box (exact repro)

$55.00 R.


First aid kit brt under dash

$45.00 R.


Oil can marked eagle exact reproduction

$20.00 R.


Oil, can (good replacement)

$15.00 WOF


Bracket, oil can holder (zinc plated)

$18.00 R.


Protector, tire valve stem (“F” AVAILABLE)

$3.00 R.


Speedometer, assembly rebuilt to new condition

$P.O.R. L.


Shovel, body mounted guaranteed to fit



Axe, body mounted - U.S. Made

$78.00 R.


Lock spare tire

$35.00 R.


Nut spare tire lock (special nut for lock)

$6.00 R.


Lube chart (under hood)

$45.00 R.


Holder, lube chart (under hood)

$50.00 R.


Antenna base MP-48 used on WW2 jeeps & other vehicles

$225.00 R.


Antenna mount brt. MP-50 for mounting base to vehicle

$45.00 R.

PICTURE Brush Guard, Antenna $35.00 R.


Rope, Antenna Hold Down exact repro

$30.00 R.


Nut 5/16 fine thread used all over vehicle box of 100

$15.00 NOS



$200.00 R.


Decontaminator Brass Data Plate

$20.00 R.


Decontaminator brt

$45.00 R.


Desert Cooling Kit, best available

$245.00 R.

JERRY CAN Jerry Can Carrier Bracket $75.00 R.
JERRY-SPOUT Jerry can spout exact repro   $45.00 R.

80 OCT

Jerry can 80 oct medallion

$8.00 R.

JERRY-GSKT Gasket, jerry can cap - U.S. Made $5.00 R.
WO-PEDESTAL M31C Pedestal Mount $685.00
  Data Plate, M31C Pedestal Mount $14.00


Fork Mount



MOCK .50 Cal Machine Gun


PICTURE MOCK .30 Cal Machine Gun $POR.


Cradle Mount 50 ' Cal w/ Tray


  Tandem Tow Bar, good Used originals $P.O.R.




FLOOR Floor Pan, SGI $300.00 R.


¼ ton trailer harness, bantam or MBT

$175.00 R.


¼ ton trailer wire clip set

$20.00 R.


¼ ton trailer vehicular cable



¼ ton trailer brake cable

$95.00 NOS

LEG-CASTING ¼ ton trailer leg casting U.S. Made $85.00 R.
LANDING-LEG ¼ ton trailer landing leg U.S. Made $65.00 R.
WO-LUNETTE ¼ ton trailer Lunette Eye, includes Spring, Nut and Washers $225.00 R.
  Spring, Lunette Eye $18.00 R.
  Nut, Lunette Eye $5.00 R.
PICTURE Casting, draw bar $250.00 R.
  Washer, Flat, Lunette Eye $5.00 R.
  Washer, Locking, Lunette Eye $5.00 R.
PICTURE Trailer Safety Chain Set $120.00 R


Switch, black out ¼ ton trailer

$95.00 NOS


Cap, hub ¼ ton trailer

$10.00 NOS


Bracket, tail light left or right

$17.50 R.


Tail Light assembly, left or right

$85.00 NOS


Shock Absorber

$25.00 R.

  Floor Drain Valve assembly $15.00 R.


Kit, U bolt spring shackle LH/RH thread

$18.00 R.


Kit, U bolt spring shackle RH/RH thread

$18.00 R.

PICTURE Backing plate, brake $POR.

W O-A-864

Seal, wheel bearing

$5.00 R.


Bearing, wheel

$19.50 NOS


Cup, wheel bearing

$12.50 R.


Data plate Willys MBT Trailer w/ Rivets $35.00 R.
  Data plate Bantam Trailer w/ Rivets $35.00 R.











Complete repair, maintenance and operation

$45.00 R.


Ord 9 parts (complete parts listing)

$45.00 R.


SNL-G503 parts (better parts listing)

$45.00 R.


¼ ton trailer parts & maintenance TM10-1230

$20.00 R.


U.S. Vehicle markings WW2

$15.00 R.


Carter Carburetors MB-GPW

$15.00 R.

Manual Installation of Radio Equipment (slight stains as staples have rusted) $35.00 R.








All American Wonder vol. 1



All American Wonder vol. 2



All American Wonder vol. 3



Jeep Jeep Jeep


  Jeep (written entirely in French) - Great wealth of pictures $60.00





Purolator decal set GPW (sold in double sets)

$16.00 R.


Fram decal set MB (sold in double sets)

$16.00 R.





Jeep pin



Jeep key chain



Jeep grill key chain





  Flat Olive Drab Gallon (semi-Gloss available ask) $42.00 ea.

Flat Olive Drab Aerosol Sprays

$10.00 each



Poster miss behaving (any 2 posters 2 for $25)



Poster best medicine (any 2 posters 2 for $25)


POSTER Phantom MB Poster $12.00


Gift Certificates Always Available - Call Me





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