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Please visit our Jeep Parts Catalogs to view our entire selection of Jeep Parts.  We offer many more parts than what is pictured here.


Gillespie Paint

We now offer several popular Gillespie Paint Colors in Gallons.

- Coming Soon in Aerosol Sprays -

319 WWII Lusterless Olive Drab

This is a lighter Olive Drab correct for many light and heavy skinned WWII vehicles.

- Price per Gallon - $58.00 -

- Price for a 4 Gallon Case - $220.00 -

33070 WWII Lusterless Olive Drab

This Olive Drab was primarily used by Ford on their vehicles from 1941-1945.

- Price per Gallon - $58.00 -

- Price for a 4 Gallon Case - $220.00 -

WWII AJP Green - Semi-Gloss

Color matched from NOS Parts. This is the Late 44-45 WWII Semi-Gloss.  Used from 1944 till 1957.

Used in late WWII Willys MB and throughout the Korean War.

- Price per Gallon - $58.00 -

- Price for a 4 Gallon Case - $220.00 -

Split Combat Rims

These are high quality reproduction Combat Rims for the MB and GPW. Give us a call or send us an email if you would like to order.

- Price - $200.00 per rim -

Call: (631) 874-8660     Fax: (631) 874-3831



*NEW* Ignition Coil with Ground Stud - 6 & 12 Volt

For years it has been impossible to find a good quality reproduction Ignition Coil for the MB and GPW.  No longer.

Now Available - Our new 6 and 12 Volt Ignition Coils with Ground Stud, complete with Bracket.

Available Options

- Introductory Price - $65.00 -

*NEW* Ignition Coil (no Stud) - 6 Volt

For years it has been impossible to find a good quality reproduction Ignition Coil for the MB and GPW.  No Longer.

Now Available - Our new 6  Volt Ignition Coils (Late Style - No Stud) complete with Bracket.

- Introductory Price - $65.00 -


*NEW* Carburetor Throttle Body w/ Shaft

These are the new high quality reproduction Carburetor Throttle Bodies (with shaft) for the Carter WO Carburetor used on the MB and GPW.

Rebuilding kits alone will not always fix a Carburetor due to a worn out throttle shaft.  This is one of the usual problems encountered with an old and worn carburetor.  Rebuilding your Carter WO using one of these Throttle Bodies as well as our Master Rebuild Kit will be like making your carburetor almost new.  

Other Carburetor Parts are available.  Please check our MB-GPW Fuel Section to view our full catalog of MB-GPW Fuel Parts including every part that we offer for the Carter WO Carburetor.

- Price $85.00 -


These are the new  reproduction Oil Pans for the MB and GPW.  Comes with drain plug as pictured.  These are an excellent high quality reproduction of the skid plate.  Integral Skid plate.  From Seal Tested.

- Price - $175.00 -


These are the new Purolater Oil Filter Assemblies for the WWII GPW Jeep.  These are exact reproduction.  Comes with two bands as shown.  Decals are shipped on a sheet to be installed by the customer.  Oil Filter Element not included.

- Price - $185.00 -

- Oil Filter Element available separately for $17.00. -


These are the New MB Water Pumps.  These Water Pumps are an exact reproduction with the smooth casting correct for the MB.  Comes with gasket as pictured.

- Price - $98.00 - 


We just found a stash of these original NOS Alemite Grease Guns for the MB and GPW.  They are all a little shelf worn, but still have original paint on the handles and some black cosmoline coating from the original packaging.

- Price - $250.00 -

Grease Gun Bracket Mounting Bracket also available.  Listed below.

*NEW* MB GPW Complete Outer Windshield Frame

These are the new Complete Outer Windshield Frames.  They include the Rifle Rack Mounting Brackets, Windshield to Cowl Rubber and the Hold Down Catches for when the windshield is lying down.  This is a great option considering most windshield frames come completely bare.  Although this is not U.S. made it is a better quality than the other imported frames.

 - Price on Request -

MB GPW Complete Inner Windshield Frame

Finally available we now offer an inner windshield frame complete with glass, inner rubber weather seal and adjusting arms.  This is a great option considering most windshield frames come completely bare.  Although this is not U.S. made it is a better quality than the other imported frames.

Price $500.00

Now available with Willys or Ford marked Glass.

*NEW* Brake and Clutch Cast Pedals

These are the New High Quality reproductions of the Cast Brake and Clutch Pedals for the Early Ford GPW and the Willys Slat Grill.  These pedals are available with the "F" mark for the GPW and plain (unmarked) for the Slat Grill.

Available Options

- Price - $40.00 per pedal -


Draft Pad Set (standard)

These are Pedal Draft Pads  with springs and washers used on the MB and GPW.  Sold as a set as pictured.

- Price - $15.00 -

Draft Pad Set (GPW Style)

These are the GPW Style Felt Draft Pads.  Sold as a set as pictured.

- Price - $20.00 -

Draft Pad Set (early Rubber)

These are the Early Rubber Draft Pads used on early WWII Jeeps like the Slat Grill.  Sold as a set as pictured.

- Price - $20.00 - 

Jeep Phone Stand

These phone stands are  made from whole oak.  Cut and crafted right here in the USA.  These make great gifts for the holidays.

- Price - $12.00 -

*NEW* Speedometer

These are the new high quality reproduction speedometers for the MB and GPW as well as the Dodge, Chevrolet and many other WWII Vehicles.  These speedometers are available in the Early Long Needle style and the Later Short Needle style.  All of these Speedometers have the correct luminous needles.  These speedometers all have trip odometers.  It is very expensive today to rebuild an original speedometer and these are a great alternative.  You will find no better speedometer on the market today for your WWII Vehicle.

We have had an excellent response from our Customers with these Speedometers.  They are accurate to within 1 Mile Per Hour.  These speedometers are above and beyond the inaccurate cheaper speedometers offered by other dealers.

Available Options

-Speedometer - Price $165.00 -


*NEW* MB-GPW Floor Starter Switch

  For years it has been very difficult and now almost impossible to find a NOS Starter Switch for a WWII Jeep.  In addition to that the reproduction starter switches that we and other dealers  have been selling for the past 20 years are of a poorer quality and they do not last long.

We have finally now been able to source a new higher quality Starter Switch than what has previously been available.  We have found with our own testing that a good starter switch, starter,  6 volt battery cables and proper grounding will give you better cranking.

Please See our "Floor Starter Switch Page" for more information and comparison photos.

- Starter Switch MB -GPW - Price $65.00 -


NEW Data Plate Sets MB & GPW

These are the New Data Plate Sets available for the MB and GPW.

Willys MB 1942 BRASS - $35.00 --- GPW 1942 BRASS - $35.00 

Willys MB 1943 ZINC - $35.00 --- GPW 1943 STEEL - $35.00

Willys MB 1944-1945 ZINC - $40.00 --- GPW 1944-1945 ALUMINUM - $35.00

*Only one set is currently pictured above.  More pictures to be added.

*NEW* Air Cleaner

These are the New High Quality Air Cleaners for the MB & GPW.  These come in both early and late versions.  The early style has the service information data plate attached to it and the later version has the service information embossed on the Air Cleaner Body. The bottom Oil Cup comes with the correct markings.  Other Air Cleaners being sold today do not have data information on them anywhere and this is not correct.

Available Options

- Price - $265.00 -

(Click pictures for larger views)


- Also Available -

*NEW* Air Cleaner Mounting Brackets and Air Cleaner Wing Screws.

Available Options

Air Cleaner Mounting Brackets - Left or Right - $25.00 each

Air Cleaner Wing Screws - $3.50 each


*NEW* Air Cleaner Splash Shield

These are the new U.S. made reproduction Air Cleaner Splash Shields for the MB and GPW.  This shield mounts to the frame below the air cleaner and prevents water from splashing up.

- Price - $25.00 -




*NEW* Tie Rod End Set - MB

These are the new high quality reproduction Tie Rod Ends for the WWII Jeep.  These Tie Rod ends were reproduced in the Willys MB Style.  They are marked TP (see second picture for detail).  Each set contains 2 Left and 2 Right Tie Rod Ends.

- Price - $60.00 per Set of 4 -

*NEW* Copper Head Gasket for L Head Engines

Do to frustration with garbage gaskets we now have a source for very high quality gaskets.  These are the best gaskets available today.

These are the new Copper covered Head Gaskets available for the L Head Engine.

Copper Head Gasket for L Head Engines - Price $60.00



*NEW* Complete L Head Engine Gasket Set

Do to frustration with garbage gaskets we now have a source for very high quality gaskets.  These are the best gaskets available today.  Every gasket and seal in this kit is Made in the USA.

This is a complete Gasket Set for the L Head Engine.  This kit can be used for the MB and GPW as well as the CJ2A, CJ3A, M38.

This kit contains the Copper Head Gasket listed above and the correct Rubber Rear Rear Main seal listed to the right.

Complete L Head Engine Gasket Set

- Price $150.00 -

*NEW* High Quality New Rear Main Seals - Rope type AND Rubber Type

These are the new Rear Main Seals.  Both the Rope type and the Rubber type rear main seal are available.

Rear Main Seal - Rope Type - $35.00

Rear Main Seal - Rubber Type - $30.00

Rear Main Seal - Available Options


Complete Exhaust System MB GPW

This is our high quality reproduction of the MB and GPW Exhaust System.  This kit comes complete and ready for installation with all of the components shown above including the oval muffler, header pipe and the bracket and hardware kit.  If your reproduction exhaust system does not look like ours then you are using an inferior product.  Our exhaust system components are made from a heavier material like they were originally.

Price $195.00 

Oval Muffler, Header Pipe and Bracket Kit all available individually.  Please see the catalog for prices and more information.



Complete Exhaust System MB GPW Early Type

This is our high quality reproduction of the MB and GPW Early Exhaust System with the round muffler and bracket kit.  This kit comes complete and ready for installation with all of the components shown above including the early round muffler, header pipe and the round muffler bracket and hardware kit.  If your reproduction exhaust system does not look like ours then you are using an inferior product.  Our exhaust system components are made from a heavier material like they were originally.

Price $195.00

Early Round Muffler, Header Pipe and Bracket Kit all available individually.  Please see the catalog for prices and more information.


NEW Intake and Exhaust Manifolds

These are the new Intake and Exhausts Manifolds for the L Head Engine.  This is a brand new product.  These are not the same manifolds that other Jeep suppliers are selling.   We have tried those manifolds and they are problematic so we are no longer carrying them.  If you are looking for a better quality manifold these are the ones to buy.  These manifolds also have the part number cast into them like the originals.

Available Options

- Price - Exhaust Manifold - $275.00 -

- Price - Intake Manifold - $150.00 -

All gaskets and studs available separately.

*NEW *Manifold Stud and Manifold Gasket Sets

These are the new Manifold Stud Sets for the MB-GPW.  Includes studs, nuts, lock washers and the special washers used only on the manifold.

Also Available - Complete Gasket Set for your Manifolds and the Combined Manifold Gasket and Stud Set.


Exhaust Manifold Repair Kit

This is the most complete exhaust manifold repair kit available today.

- Price - $45.00 -









PCV Valve

This valve is always clogged or missing. Fits both MB-GPW and M38-M38A1.

- Price $35.00 -






Vent Valve Kit

This kit contains all of the parts necessary to connect the Valve Cover Ventilator to the Intake Manifold.

Price $95.00

All of the pieces in this kit are available individually.  Please see our catalog for more information.

NEW GPW Radiators

These are the new generation GPW Radiators which have been improved on and I must say that they are as good as an original.  As seen in the pictures below they come with the raised "F" and GPW Stamp and also come with the mounting bolts.  You will find no better quality GPW Radiator.

Price on Request


WWII Tire Pump

Finally available a high quality WWII Tire Pump with hose and blower fitting.

- Price $175.00 -


Tire Pump Hose

This is a replacement hose for all WWII tire pumps.   Also includes the special fitting for blowing air.

- Tire Pump Hose- Price $40.00 -


Tire Pump Nozzle with Chain

 This is the special nozzle fitting that is used on the WWII Jeep Tire Pump.  This is the nozzle located on the end of the hose where the the air blows out of.

 - Price $25.00 -





Tire Pump Repair Kit (internal)

This kit is for repairing the internal components of your Tire Pump.

- Price $25.00 -

Tire Valve Stem Protectors - Set of 5

This is a set of five Tire Valve Stem Protects used on the MB and GPW.  These Valve Stem Protects are marked Shrader U.S.A.

- Set of 5 Valve Stem Protectors -  Price - $15.00 -


Body Handle Set

These are reproduction corner and side body handles for the MB and GPW.  These handles are plain with no markings.

Available Options

- Set of 4 Body Handles (2 side and 2 corner) - Price $75.00 -

- Each Handle Available Individually - Price $20.00 each -



Panel Light Set MB-GPW

These are Panel Light Sets for the MB and GPW.  The are sold as a two piece set with extensions (but not wires) as pictured above.  They are also available as a two piece set extensions and with wires as pictured below.

Available Options


- Price - $30.00 Panel Light Set (no wires) -

- Price - $40.00 Panel Light Set (with wires) -

Windshield Hold Down

Finally available we have an excellent reproduction of the hood and windshield hold down with the flat surface and hole.

Windshield Hold Down - Price $17.50 each




Hood Hold Down

Finally available we have an excellent reproduction of the hood and windshield hold down with the flat surface and hole.

Hood Hold Down - Price $17.50 each


Catch, Hold Down

These are a good reproduction of the catches that the Hood and Windshield Hold Downs hook onto.

- Catch, Hold Down - Price $3.50 each -

MB-GPW Oak Hood Blocks

These are exact reproduction U.S. Made Hood to Windshield Bumpers (Oak Hood Blocks) for the WWII MB and GPW as well as the Early CJ2A. These are the later style bumpers which are made of Oak and were not used on early WWII Jeeps. These bumpers bolt onto the hood and provide support to the windshield when it is in the folded down position, preventing the windshield from resting directly on the hood. These Bumpers come with mounting hardware and are ready to install unlike the unassembled bumpers that others sell.  Our bumpers were copied from original samples and are dimensionally correct unlike the bumpers that others sell.

- Oak Hood Blocks (one pair) - 

- Price - $30.00 per pair as pictured -

MB-GPW Rubber Hood Blocks

These are exact reproduction Hood to Windshield Bumpers (Rubber Hood Blocks) for the Early 1942 MB and GPW. These are the early style bumpers which are made of rubber. These bumpers bolt onto the hood and provide support to the windshield when it is in the folded down position, preventing the windshield from resting directly on the hood. These Bumpers come with mounting hardware and are ready to install.

- Price - $30.00 per pair as pictured -




Now available a higher quality toolbox top repair panel.  Available in early and late versions.

Also available now is a high quality reproduction tool box lid.

Toolbox Top Repair Panel (early or late) - Price $45.00

GPW Toolbox Lid - Price $25.00 (MB Lid also available)

Pictured below is the late version of the repair panel.


(Click pictures for larger views)


GPW Toolbox Lid - Price $25.00 (MB Lid also available)

Available now are these high quality reproduction tool box lid for both the MB (see above) and the GPW (to the left).

Tool Box Seal Set - Rubber

This is a high quality reproduction of the rubber tool box seal used on the MB and GPW. This kit has enough material for sealing both toolboxes on a WWII Jeep.

- Price - $15.00 - 

Also Available - Tool Box Seal Set in Felt  - Price $15.00 (for both toolboxes) -  Please call to order

Tool Box Lock - MB/GPW

These are high quality reproductions of the Tool Box Locks used on the WWII Jeep.  Each MB or GPW uses two of these locks.  Each lock comes with a Key as pictured.

- Price - $35.00 -




Now available are these high quality reproduction Glove Box Doors.  Unlike other reproduced glove box doors ours has the tab for the glove box door spring.  Also has holes drilled for Data Plate installation.

Glove Box Door - Price $35.00


Spring, Glove Box Door - MB/GPW

This is a nice reproduction of the Glove Box Door Spring.

Price $6.00


Push Button Lock, Glove Box Door - MB/GPW

This is a great reproduction of the Push Button Lock for the Glove Box Door.

Price $30.00

*Keyed Glove Box Lock also available - Price $40.00 - please call to order.


Seal for the Glove Box Door available in Rubber or Felt.

Price $10.00

Available Options


Striker, Glove Box Door - MB/GPW

This is a nice reproduction of the Striker for the Glove Box Door.

Price - $7.00



I have been wanting to reproduce this part for a long time and I finally have it finished.  You may not be aware, but this product is not available in a high quality reproduction.  The only other option is something that resembles this part, but not in detail.  You also may not realize that an MB Frame Horn and a GPW Frame Horn are completely different.  I have decided to reproduce the Willys Frame Horn first which is pictured below and will reproducing the GPW Frame Horn at a later date.  This is a U.S. Made product with all holes drilled.

Available either Left Side or Right Side.  Price $160.00 each


These are the new high quality Fender Braces for the MB-GPW (and most other Flat Fender Jeeps).  These Fender Braces are made in the USA.  Driver and Passenger side Braces are both available (please see the pictures below).  Comes with the wood slat inserts.  This is not the imported junk that won't fit.


- Price - $45.00 per Fender Brace -

NEW Rear Floor Riser

These are the New U.S. Made Rear Floor Risers for the MB and GPW.  We also offer the U.S. Made Floors to go with these new risers.  Please see them farther down the page.

Price $120.00

(Click pictures for larger views)


We now have available a U.S. Made Rear Floor.  It is available in the MB type and Ford Type.  Pictured below is the Ford Type.  You will find no better quality floor than this today.

Price $375.00



We now have available a U.S. Made Front Floor.  These are patterned off of a GPW which is the same as an MB.  They come with the floor drains and the gas tank strap bracket.  Hat channels are sold separetly.

Price $375.00

*New* Early MB High Quality Front Floor Hat Channel Kit

This has been another one of those problem parts.  For years we have had poor quality Hat Channel Kits supplied by other suppliers that are not even close to being correct.  Well, that's going to change now.  This is a U.S. Made product and we guarantee that it is the best Hat Channel Kit available today.  It comes complete with all Hat Channels for the front floor for the early MB.

Price $185.00


MB GPW High Quality Front Floor Hat Channel Kit

This has been another one of those problem parts.  For years we have had poor quality Hat Channel Kits supplied by other suppliers that are not even close to being correct.  Well, that's going to change now.  This is a U.S. Made product and we guarantee that it is the best Hat Channel Kit available today.  It comes complete with all Hat Channels for the front floor and the wire harness tabs.  Also in the picture to the right you can see the exhaust system weld nut.

Price $185.00


*NEW* MB-GPW Patch Panel - Driver Side Lower Panel

These are high quality U.S Made reproduction Patch Panels for the Driver Side Lower Quarter Panel.  This section is always rotted out.

- Price $60.00 -


Hat Channel - Left Hand Quarter with Fuel Strap Brackets - MB/GPW

This is the channel that runs along the left side of the vehicle above the fuel tank which is always rotted out.  It also comes with the two brackets for the Fuel Tank Straps.  This is a U.S. made reproduction, not to be confused with the cheaper priced imports that are out there.

Price - $60.00

MB GPW Cowl/Dash Support

These are a new high quality product which will fit M38, CJ2A & CJ3A.  Left and Right side available.

Available Options

- MB GPW Cowl/Dash Support - $40.00 per side -


These are the Captive and Caged Nuts used on all body parts such as the floor, the firewall, fenders etc.

10-24 Captive Nut - $6.00 each
1/4-20 Captive Nut - $6.00 each
5/16-18 Captive Nut - $6.00 each
5/16-24 Captive Nut - $6.00 each
3/8-16 Captive Nut - $6.00 each
3/8-24 Captive Nut - $6.00 each
1/4-20 Caged Nut - $4.50 each
5/16-18 Caged Nut - $4.50 each

Available Options


Now Available are the New Starters for the MB-GPW and CJ2A.  These are not rebuilt starters.  They are actually a reproduction of the Autolite MZ-4113 Starter.  Are you experiencing slow cranking from your so-called rebuilt starter?  Most rebuilding shops today do not have the parts to correctly rebuild a starter so rebuilding is not a good option.  There is nothing like New.  These are available in 6 and 12 volt.

Available Options

- Price - $375.00 -


Starter Bushing (in Bell Housing) - MB/GPW

This is the Starter Bushing that is pressed into the bell housing.  If you are installing a new starter it is always a good idea to replace this bushing.

- Price - $8.00 -

Starter Support Bracket (Rear) - MB/GPW

This Support Bracket is often missing from Jeeps that are being restored.  It supports the rear of the starter by bolting to the engine block.

- Price - $10.00 -

NEW MB GPW Distributor

Here is the long awaited early style Autolite distributor for the MB GPW.  This has been in development for the past two years and we are proud to now have them available.  The main body of this distributor is made from original Autolite parts.  It comes with the brown distributor cap and the brown rotor which is what the distributor originally had.  It also comes with the mounting bracket for easy installation.  We guarantee that this is the highest quality distributor available today.

- Price - $350.00 -

Blackout Driving Light Guard - GPW

Now Available a new high quality black out drive guard.  This is not the guard that has previously available.  It is an entirely new product.

B.O. Driving Light Guard PLAIN - $45.00


With "F" Stamp - $50.00

Available Options


Blackout Driving Light Guard - MB

Now Available a new high quality black out drive guard.  This is not the guard that has previously available.  It is an entirely new product.

Blackout Driving Light Guard - MB

- Price $45.00 -

 Blackout Driving Light - MB/GPW

This is the fender mounted 6 Volt Blackout Driving Light.  Comes assembled with harness.

Blackout Driving Light - $135.00

MB & GPW Fuel Tanks

The fuel tank monopoly is over!

After Years of having only one choice of fuel tank available for your WWII Jeeps and dealing with all of the problems that came with them you now have a much better alternative.

Available in Early Small Neck and Standard Large Neck.  

Large Neck Tanks come with filler tube.  Large Neck Tanks available marked "Olaco" or "F".

Early Neck Tanks come with fuel tank cap. Small Neck Tanks available Plain (no markings) or marked "F".

Why should you buy our Fuel Tanks?

This is a great question.  Our Fuel Tanks are constructed just like an original.  The seams along the side of our fuel tanks are folded  over and sealed with solder - this is the way original Fuel Tanks were made and should be the way that all WWII Jeep Fuel Tanks are all made.  Sadly most of our competitors sell an inferior quality product where the metal edges along the side are simply pinched or "crimped" together with force.  These pinched seams are an incorrect and cheap manufacturing method that leaves the seam prone to rusting out.  Please see the picture below for a side by side comparison.

Our Fuel Tanks are the highest quality fuel tanks being manufactured today for your MB and GPW.  Don't be fooled by a cheaper price - You get what you pay for.

Please call for price.


Fuel Tank Cap - Large Mouth - MB/GPW

These are high quality reproduction Fuel Caps for the Large Mouth Fuel Tank used on the MB and GPW.  Includes the correct chain and clips.

- Price - $32.00 -

 Fuel Tank Straps - MB/ GPW 

Now available Fuel Tank Straps available in riveted Ford with the "F" Mark and stapled MB.

Price $50.00 per sets

Available Options

Fuel Tank Sending Unit - MB/GPW

This is an extremely high quality reproduction of the MB-GPW Fuel Tank Sending Unit.  Has the correct Cork Float.  Comes with Gasket is included as pictured.

- Price - $45.00 -


Fuel Tank Anti Squeak Set MB/ GPW 

- Price - $25.00 -

Protector - for Fuel Tank Tank Sending Unit - MB/GPW

This is a high quality reproduction of the MB-GPW Fuel Tank Sending Unit Protector.  Available in both Rubber and Metal (plain) or Metal with the GPW "F" Stamp.


- Price - $8.00 - Rubber -

- Price - $12.00 - Metal -

Fuel Tank Seal Kit - MB/GPW

 These are the seals that go around the fuel tank to keep the dirt out. A nice reproduction 

Price $55.00









Steel Brake Line Kit MB GPW

These steel brake line kits are our own product that we have made locally.  These lines are exact reproductions -copied from original samples.  It is the cheapest (in price) steel brake line kit available today.  Our kits even includes the correct bent S lines (see picture below).  Many of these kits sold by other dealers have an incorrect flat S line.

Price $150.00

S Lines are available separately - Price $10.00 each

Master Brake Kit MB GPW

This is a master brake kit for the MB and GPW.  It contains the Master Brake Cylinder, four wheel cylinders, brake shoes for all four wheels, all four rubber brake hose, the  correct style hose clips, copper washers for the master cylinder and brake hoses and four brake shoe return springs.

Price $330.00




Master Cylinder and Wheel Cylinder Kit MB - GPW

These are reproduction Master Cylinder and Wheel Cylinder Kits for the MB and GPW.  Each kit contains one Master Cylinder and four Wheel Cylinders (2 front and 2 rear) for the MB/GPW  Military Jeep as well as the CJ2A.

- Price - $155.00 -

NOS Stop Light Switch

This is an original switch not a cheap reproduction.  

Stop Light Switch - NOS - Price $20.00





External Emergency Brake Band Assembly

This is a reproduction of the brake band assembly used on all early to mid year MB & GPW.

- Price - $75.00 -

External Emergency Brake Drum

This is a reproduction of the drum used on the early external band style emergency brake system for early to mid year MB & GPW.

- Price - $50.00 -






Hand brake cable MB or GPW 

Out of all the reproduction parts I have sold , this one is in a class all by it self. It is as good as an original, from the wire wrap cable to the "F" in the GPW handle it is perfect. It also comes with three clamps to hold the housing. Satisfaction guaranteed.  Available for MB or GPW with "F" mark and GPA is also available, please call for more information.

Available Options

Price $145.00



Brake Tube with Mount

This is a interesting part, the brake tube mounting bracket on all MB-GPW always wears out because it was metal to metal, a poor design. Well I have the fix for this problem a new mounting bracket with a brass bushing, ah yes how sweet it is! I also have the matching tube for it. Sold separately.

Available Options

- Brake Tube - $35.00 -

- Brake Tube Mounting Bracket - $30.00 -

Now Available!

WWII Flat Olive Drab 

This is a new product developed in Italy by Paolo Batisti, 

 The Long Olive Drab Line

This paint was developed by Paolo, who spent many years of research to ascertain and duplicate the correct color for WWII vehicles.  I feel this is the closest anyone has come to the color and texture of the WWII paints.

$42.00 per Gallon

Aerosol Spray Cans are Now Available

Aerosol Sprays - $10.00 ea.

Fuel Tank Well Cap

These are high quality reproduction Caps for the Fuel Tank Well on the MB and GPW.

- Price - $15.00 -

3 Stud Tire Carrier - U.S. Made

This is the new high quality exact reproduction 3 stud tire carrier.  You will find no better tire carrier on the market today.  It was copied from an original tire carrier and we guarantee these will match up with the holes on your original body.  Made right here in the USA. Comes with Lug Nuts.

Three Stud Tire Carrier - $65.00





GPW 3 Stud Tire Carrier with "F" Stamp

This is the new high quality exact reproduction 3 stud tire carrier.  You will find no better tire carrier on the market today.  It was copied from an original tire carrier and we guarantee these will match up with the holes on your original body.  Made right here in the USA. Comes with Lug Nuts.

GPW 3 Stud with "F" Stamp $85.00

("F" stamp pictured below)

MB 2 Stud Tire Carrier

This is the new high quality 2 stud tire carrier.  You will find no better tire carrier on the market today.  It was copied from an original tire carrier and we guarantee these will match up with the holes on your original body

This is used on the Later MB.


Spare Tire Mounting Disk

These are reproduction Spare Tire Mounting Disks.  These are used with the 2 stud Spare Tire Carrier.

- Price $30.00 -







Now Available

This is the antenna base for the MB GPW Jeep.  Also used on other WWII military vehicles.  This is an exact reproduction.  You will not believe how good this one is.  Satisfaction guaranteed. 

Price $225.00 Limited Supply at this time.

Also available MP-50 Mount $45.00

(please also visit our MB-GPW Catalogs to see our full selection of Jeep Parts)





MP-50 Antenna Mount Bracket

These are a high quality exact reproduction of the MP-50 Antenna Mount Bracket.

- Price $45.00 -


Radio Conduit and Cable

This is the Conduit and Cable for the radio junction box.  This is commonly found on 43' and later models for hooking up the radio.

- Conduit and Cable - $200.00 -

Also available - Radio Junction Box $150.00

Antenna Hold Down Rope

This is a nice reproduction of the WWII hold down rope.

Antenna Hold Down Rope - Price $30.00

 Antenna Brush Guard Kit

This is a high quality reproduction of the Antenna Brush Guard used on the MB and GPW.  This guard bolts to the MP-50 Antenna Mount and the Body to protect the Antenna.

- Antenna Brush Guard - Price $35.00 - 




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 MB - GPW Rebuilt Steering Box

 These are our professionally rebuilt Steering Boxes for the MB and GPW.  These boxes are available with or without a core exchange.  We can also rebuild your steering box if you are not in a rush.  Our steering boxes are rebuilt with parts that are higher quality than what other rebuilders use.

Price on Request

The Long Awaited Black Sheller Steering Wheel is Here.

For years black steering wheels have been made by many different companies and they vary in quality.  Some are very poor and some are okay.

This steering wheel is in a class all by itself.  This wheel is truly an exact reproduction of the Sheller steering wheel.  It has the grooves embossed in it like the original and the Sheller name stamp.

This steering wheel is correct for all early models as well as the CJ2A and CJ3A.

Price $160.00



The Long Awaited Green Sheller Steering Wheel is Here.

This steering has never before been available in true green plastic.   For years the best you could get was a steering wheel that was painted green which eventually would wear off.

This wheel is truly an excellent reproduction of the green Sheller steering wheel.  It has the grooves embossed in it like the original and the Sheller name stamp.

This steering wheel is correct for early model MB and GPW and also all M38 and M38A1's.

Price $160.00

- Also Available *NEW* Green Plastic Steering wheel with no Sheller Stamp for the budget minded.  Please call to order. - 

The Long Awaited Metal Spoke Steering Wheel is Here.

I now have in stock this beautiful reproduction of the metal spoke Steering Wheel.  This is real green plastic, not a steering wheel that is painted green.  It also has the grooves embossed in it like the original - see picture below for detail.

- Price $150.00 -

The early style steering wheel will also be available in the near future.

Hub Cap MB & GPW

These are the new reproduction Hub Caps.  They are available in MB plain and GPW marked.

Hub Cap  - $12.00 each

Available Options

Steering Bellcrank Repair Kit

This is our high quality reproduction Bellcrank Repair Kit for the MB and GPW.  This is the highest quality bellcrank repair kit available today.

- Price $45.00 -


Master Clutch Control Tube Kit

Kit contains clutch control tube, tube kit, clutch cable, clutch rod and two clutch ball studs.

Price $75.00

All items available individually in the catalog.  Please call.

Brown Distributor Cap MB-GPW

Now available is the new reproduction of the Brown Distributor Cap.

Price $25.00

Ignition Wire Set MB-GPW

This high quality lacquered wire set comes with N.O.S. suppressors and soldered terminals. Order with the rain shields and you will have a complete set.

Price $50.00

Spark Plug Rain Shield Set - Std Rubber

4 Piece Set

These rain shields are used in conjunction with the suppressors on the ignition wire set.

Price $15.00 per set of 4 Rain Shields

Spark Plug Rain Shield Set - Early Bakelite

4 Piece Set

These rain shields are used in conjunction with the suppressors on the ignition wire set.  These are the early Bakelite type of rain shields that were used on early 42 models.

Price $15.00 per set of 4 Rain Shields


Prestolite Spark Plug Set

This is a set of four U.S. Made Prestolite Spark Plugs that will fit the MB and GPW.

- Price - $25.00 -

Autolite AN7 Spark Plugs set of 4
This is a exact repro of the plugs that
came in MB-GPW.


MB-GPW Coil with bottom stud available in 6 and 12 volt, a real nice repro.



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Under the dash 10 and 20 AMP Circuit Breakers

These circuit breakers protect your electrical system from burning.  All MB-GPW models use a 5 and 15 amp circuit breaker.  The 5 and 15 Amp Circuit Breakers are now only available in our Master Wiring Kits.

We are now substituting 10 and 20 Amp Circuit Breakers of the same style.

Available Options

- 10 and 20 Amp Circuit Breaker - $15.00 each -

Circuit Breaker Bracket

This is a high quality U.S. Made reproduction of the under the dash circuit breaker bracket.

- Circuit Breaker Bracket - Price - $15.00 -






NOS Main Rotary Light Switch - MB/GPW

These are original NOS Main Rotary Light switches for the later war MB and GPW.  These Switches are difficult to find.  30 AMP Breaker also available (pictured below).

Switch without Breaker - $85.00

Switch with 30 AMP Breaker - $110.00

Available Options


Main Push Pull Light Switch - MB/GPW

This has never been available before in a reproduction.  This is an exact reproduction of the Main Light Switch. 30 AMP Breaker also available (pictured below).

Switch without Breaker - Price $85.00

Switch with 30 AMP Breaker - Price $110.00

Available Options


B.O. Drive Switch - MB/GPW

These are very nice reproductions. B.O. Drive Switch pictured to the left.

Price $25.00 each



Panel Light Switch - MB/GPW

These are very nice reproductions.  Panel Light Switch pictured to the right.

Price $25.00 each


*NEW* Ignition Switch - Lever Type - GPW

This is a high quality reproduction of the GPW Style Lever operated Ignition Switch.

- Price $45.00 -

Ignition Switch - Lever Type - MB

This is a high quality reproduction of the MB Style Lever operated Ignition Switch.

- Price $45.00 -



Ignition Switch - Key Type - GPW

This is a high quality reproduction of the GPW Style Keyed Ignition Switch.

- Price $45.00 -

Ignition Switch - Key Type - MB

This is a high quality reproduction of the MB Style Keyed Ignition Switch.

- Price $45.00 -



LED Flashlight

We just came across these great flashlights.  Being a Jeep collector myself I feel this is a very handy flashlight for all Jeep owners.  This is an LED flashlight that is a focusing feature and can slide apart to function as a spot light.  This Flashlight has a magnet in it’s base to hold it in place.  This would be great to keep in the Glove Box and a great way to get some lighting under the hood.  These flashlights are rechargeable with a USB recharging cable.

- Price $35.00 -


LED Pocket Flashlight

I ran across these fantastic flashlights at an automotive industry show.  If you work on your own vehicles these are a great flashlight to have.  They are LED lit and very bright.  The design is small and light, almost like a pen light.  These flashlights are also equipped with a pocket clip and magnet for attaching it to a metal surface.  The flashlight shown is black in color, but other colors are available.  Batteries included.

Price $10.00


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Cylinder Head Bolt Set GPW with "F"

- Price - 30.00 - Set of nine Cylinder Head Bolts -

- Bolts available Individually at $3.50 per Bolt -




GPW "F" Bolts 

These bolts are a must for that perfect restoration, now available in 5/16, 3/8 and  1/4".

Currently Available "F" Bolts

1/4 x 5/8, 1/4 x 3/4, 1/4 x 1 1/2, 5/16 x 5/8 coarse or fine,  5/16 x 3/4 coarse,  and 5/16 x 1 inch coarse, 5/16 x 1 1/4 coarse $2.00 ea.
3/8 x 3/4 coarse, 3/8 x 3/4 fine and
3/8 x 1 1/2 coarse $3.00 ea.


Carter WO Master Carburetor Rebuild Kit

This Carter WO Master Rebuild Kit is the best carburetor rebuild kit of its type available today.  This kit contains a new mixture screw and many other small pieces that are missing from other so called "master" kits.  This is a true master rebuild kit. 

It amazes me how other dealers use the word master to describe their carburetor kits when the kits that they do offer are far from it.  If theirs are master kits than ours would be a godzilla kit.  You can see what is included in our kit in the picture above and I know that the kits that others are offering are missing many of those pieces.

Price $55.00

*NEW* Carburetor Upper Choke Linkage - Carter WO

This is the new reproduction of the Carburetor Upper Choke Linkage used on the Carter WO Carburetor.  If you are restoring your carburetor this part is often worn out and rusty.  This is a great piece to make your carburetor look new.

- Price - $25.00 -



Accelerator Linkage Kit

This kit contains all of the Accelerator Linkage from behind the Engine to the Carburetor.

This kit is for the MB, GPW, CJ2A and CJ3A.

Price $75.00

All of the pieces in this kit are available individually.  Please see our catalog for more informartion.



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MB Accelerator Pedal

This is a high quality reproduction of the MB Accelerator Pedal. Comes complete with hardware and rod as pictured.

Price $35.00



Now Available!

NEW GPW Accelerator Pedal

These pedals are better than we expected them to be.  I truly believe that you cannot tell the difference between this pedal and an original Ford GPW pedal.  All markings are exactly like the original.  Comes complete with hardware and rod.

Price $50.00

Accelerator Pedal Boot

These are high quality U.S Made reproductions of the Accelerator Pedal Boot for the MB and GPW.  This is the boot on the floorboard.

- Price - $15.00 -

Accelerator Foot Rest

This is one of those parts that are always missing.  It is mounted on the floorboard next to the accelerator pedal.

Accelerator Foot Rest - $12.00

Fuel Filter Assembly

This is the new reproduction fuel filter assembly complete with filter.  This has always been a hard to find item because of the rusted out bowls.  Available unmarked for MB and marked for GPW.

Available Options

- Price - $150.00 -

Steel Fuel Line Kit

These steel fuel line kits are our own product that we have made locally.  These lines are exact reproductions -copied from original samples.  It is the cheapest (in price) steel fuel line set available today. Kit also includes the steel braided flexible connection fuel line (pictured).

Price $150.00









Fuel Fump w/ Hand Primer & Metal Bowl 

These are the highest quality reproduction Fuel Pumps available today for the MB and GPW.  These Fuel Pumps are a proven product.  They have been in production for more than 10 years and have always been and will continue to be a good and reliable product.  These are not the cheaper quality pumps that other dealers are selling.  Don't be fooled.

Price $80.00

Fuel Pump Kit (Single)

This is a Fuel Pump Rebuilding Kit for a Single Action Fuel Pump used on the MB and GPW.

- Price - $40.00 -




Choke & Throttle Cable - Plastic Knob - U.S. Made

These are Plastic Knobbed Choke and Throttle Cables for the MB & GPW.  These are an excellent U.S. Made reproduction.

Available Options


- $20.00 each with housing -

Choke & Throttle Cable - Metal Knob

These are the Choke and Throttle cables for the GPW with proper raised letters and metal knobs.  These are a high quality reproduction.  Also available with sunken/recessed letters for the MB.

Available Options

- $40.00 Each complete with housing -  

Torque Reaction Spring Kits

These are kits that we have put together for fully replacing or repairing and refurbishing your Torque Reaction Spring.  These kits contains the highest quality reproduction pivot bolts available today along with the correct heavy castellated nuts.  Our pivot bolts are the correct length and diameter and are properly hardened.  The kit also includes reproduction inner and outer shackles which already have the proper bushings installed and last but not least the kit contains a new old stock lock (with reproduction bolt as pictured).


- Price - $200.00 - Full Kit -

- Price - $125.00 - Repair Kit -

- Price - $75.00 - Torque Reaction Leaf Spring Assembly -

All of the pieces in this kit are available separately.  Please call or email us to order them individually. 

Spring U Bolt

These are reproductions of the Spring U Bolt with the flat top for the MB and GPW.  These are available Plain for the MB and "F" marked for the GPW.  Each Spring U Bolt includes 2 Deep Nuts as pictured.

Available Options

Spring U Bolt w/ 2 Deep Nuts - Price $16.00



Front and Rear Shock Absorbers MB-GPW

These are nice reproductions. The rear shocks have the stone guard and both the front and rear are marked the the correct MB part numbers.  Each shock also comes with four rubber bushings as pictured.

Available Options

- $40.00 per Shock Absorber -


MB Spring Clips

I had these copied from original spring clips.  These clips are available in three sizes, small, medium and large. U.S. made - satisfaction guaranteed .

Price $7.00 each



High Quality Reproduction MB Spring with correct clips and tapered ends.

*Note - the new springs are not actually pictured above.

Due to a manufacturing problem these springs were not made correctly and we will not be offering any from the current production run.

 We expect to have these springs available in the future when the problems with them have been corrected.


Master Bow Bracket Set - MB GPW

This is my high quality bow bracket sets with correct markings on the bow pivot.  These are available separately for the MB and the GPW.  We also have a good set available with no markings for the budget minded.

Available Options

Price $130.00 MB Marked

Price $156.00 GPW Marked

Standard Set $115.00 No Markings for the budget minded

*Note - All parts sold separately. See Catalog.

Rear Top Bow Bracket

After years of only being able to buy junk bow brackets I decided to make own.  These are copied from original samples and made in the USA.  A perfect reproduction.

Available Options

- MB Bracket - Price $20.00 -

- GPW "F" Bracket - Price $25.00 -

These Brackets are also available in my 8 piece Top Bow Bracket Sets for the MB and GPW.


High Quality Top Bow Set

These are the finest Top Bows available today.  They are made from heavy tubing like the originals were and are available in Willys and "F" stamped GPW.  They also come with the correct footman loops.  These are not the cheap light weight bows that others sell.

MB Set - $175.00

"F" Marked GPW Set - $185.00

Pictured below is the GPW set.


Steering Stabilizer Kit

This kit is an quick fix for the front end shimmy many of our Jeeps seem to have.  Fits most models - MB, GPW, M38, M38A1 and CJ2A, CJ3A, CJ3B & CJ5.

- Steering Stabilizer Kit - Price $135.00 -

Tail Light Pigtail Set

This is a pigtail set for all WWII Tail Lights.  Contains 3 single pigtail and 1 double pigtail.

Price $60.00


Rear Seat Frame MB

This is the new High Quality rear seat frame for the MB.  This is not the same seat frame that others sell.  It has the right dimensions for folding it up and has all the holes drilled for mounting the cushions.

MB $265.00

See detail picture below.






Rear Seat Frame GPW

This is the new High Quality rear seat frame for the GPW.  This is not the same seat frame that others sell.  It has the right dimensions for folding it up and has all the holes drilled for mounting the cushions.  This seat frame is an exact copy of the GPW frame, not an MB frame with an "F" stamp in it. 

GPW $265.00

MB & GPW Rear Seat Hooks

I have tried many different manufacturers on this part and chose this one.  It is the best.  Available in unmarked Willys or with GPW "F" stamp.

Price $12.00 - Plain Willys

Price $15.00 - GPW w/ "F" Mark

Rear Seat Hook - Available Options





Rear Seat Foot Rest - MB & GPW

These are Reproduction Rear Seat Foot Rests for the WWII Jeep.  They are available in both the MB and GPW Style.  Please see the pictures to see the differences.

Available Options

- Price - $30.00 - per Foot Rest - 


MB-GPW Early Small Mouth Driver Seat Pan

These are reproduction Early Small Mouth Driver Seat Pans for the MB and GPW.

- Price - $35.00 -


MB Seat Frame Back Rest

These are new reproduction Seat Frame Back Rests for WWII Jeep Seat Frames.  These back rests are plain with no markings.

- Price - $35.00 -

MB-GPW Large Mouth Driver Seat Pan

These are reproduction Large Mouth Driver Seat Pans for the MB and GPW.

- Price - $35.00 -

MB-GPW Passenger Seat Pan

These are reproduction arge Passenger Seat Pans for the MB and GPW.

- Price - $35.00 -


These are better quality reproduction Driver Seat Frames for the MB.  They have the large mouth fuel tank opening and.  These Seat Frames come pre-drilled for cushion installation (see pictures for details).  These are better quality than what is being offered by our competition.

- Price - $175.00 -


These are better quality reproduction Passenger Seat Frames for the MB.  These Seat Frames come pre-drilled for cushion installation (see pictures for details).  These are better quality than what is being offered by our competition.

- Price - $175.00 -


These are reproduction Seat Frames for the early Slatgrill MB.  These Seat Frames come pre-drilled for cushion installation (see pictures for details).  These Seat Frames have the Split in the tubing right at the top which is correct for the Slatgrill. Driver and Passenger available.


*NEW* Crash Pad Set

This is the new generation of reproduction Crash Pads.  This Set contains both the Left and Right Crash Pad Plate and padding for both with spring.  This kit does not include the canvas covers.

- Price - $55.00 -




GPW Wire Terminal Kit NOS

This kit is a the GPA, but it also has a lot of the same wire clips the MB-GPW.

This is a great kit if you are trying to do some repair work and need the original cadmium plated connectors.  This kit also contains the clips that are used to attach the choke and throttle cables to the bond straps.  All of these pieces are very difficult to find.

- Price $40.00 -

GPW Starter and Generator Data Plate

These are the new generation of GPW Starter and Generator Data Plates.  They are the best we've ever had with the correct color and size.  The Starter and Generator Data plate are sold as a set with Rivets.

- GPW Starter and Generator Data Plate Set with Rivets - Price $25.00 -

Shovel Head Bracket - MB/GPW

This is a U.S. Made exact reproduction of the Shovel Head Bracket.

- Price - $15.00 -

*NEW* U.S. Made Axes

These are the new Reproduction Axes for the MB and GPW.  These axes are made in the USA.  Made to the correct specifications to fit your Jeep.

- Price - $78.00 -

4 Hole Axe Head Bracket - MB/GPW

This is the hinged bracket that holds the head of the axe.  This is an excellent U.S. Made reproduction.

- Price - $20.00 -


Axe Handle Bracket - MB/GPW

This bracket is available plain for MB or "F" Stamped for GPW and has the correct angled bar.  It is not flat like others sell.

Available Options

- Price - $15.00 -

(please also visit our MB-GPW Catalogs to see our full selection of Jeep Parts)

Pintle Hook Eyebolt

This is the eyebolt for the trailer safety chains.


Price $15.00


Trailer Socket Cover

This is the cover that goes in the tool compartment to protect the trailer socket.  These are often missing or rotted out.  These are U.S. Made reproductions.  Highest quality.

Price $20.00

Black Out Light Switch NOS - Trailer

This is an original NOS Black Out Light Switch for the WWII 1/4 ton MBT or Bantam military trailer.

- Price $95.00 -


1/4 Ton WWII Trailer Taillight Bracket

These are an exact reproduction. 

$35.00 a pair

Taillights also available.


1/4 Ton Trailer Lunette Eye

This is the new forged Lunette Eye for the 1/4 Ton WWII Trailers like the MBT and Bantam.  Every Lunette Eye includes the Nut, Spring and Washers as pictured.

- Price - $225.00 - Lunette Eye Including Nut, Washers & Spring

MBT & Bantam Trailer Leg Casting

Now available U.S. Made.

- Price $85.00 -








MBT & Bantam Trailer Landing Leg

Now available - U.S. Made.

- Price $65.00 -




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MB Battery Tray

These are high quality reproduction Battery Trays for the MB.

MB Battery Tray - Price $85.00

GPW Battery Tray

These are high quality reproduction Battery Trays for the GPW.

GPW Battery Tray - Price $85.00

Battery Hold Down Frame with J Bolts

These are high quality reproduction Battery Hold Down Frames with J Bolts. Each J Bol has the proper round washer and Wing Nut.


 6 Volt Battery Cable Set

These are sets of High Quality U.S. Made reproduction 6 Volt Battery Cables for the MB and GPW.  These are the correct heavy duty cables for your WWII Jeep.

- Price - $95.00 -







Jerry Can Spout - MB/GPW

This is a new reproduction of the very hard to find jerry can spout.

Price $45.00

Jerry Can Cap Gasket - MB/GPW

These are high quality, fresh, U.S. Made rubber Jerry Can Cap Gaskets.

Price - $5.00

(Jerry Can Cap not available and not included with any Gasket)

T-84 Transmission Case GPW

Now available new transmission cases for the GPW.  This case has the "F" Stamp in it.  These cases have come at a good time, seeing how most 60-year-old cases are ready for the scrap yard.  Before you try to rebuild your transmission with your old case, take a good look first you might be surprised at how bad it actually is.

Price $220.00

T-84 Transmission Case MB

Now available new transmission cases for the MB.  These cases have come at a good time, seeing how most 60-year-old cases are ready for the scrap yard.  Before you try to rebuild your transmission with your old case, take a good look first you might be surprised at how bad it actually is.

Price $220.00







*NEW* T-84 First and Reverse Gear

These are the new re-engineered High Quality reproduction First and Reverse Gears for the T-84 Transmission.  Do the the inferior quality of the First and Reverse Gears being offered to us today we had a higher quality reproduction made.  These new First and Reverse Gears were copied from original samples.

- Price $75.00 -

*NEW* T-84 Second Gear

These are the new re-engineered High Quality reproduction Second Gears for the T-84 Transmission.  Do the the inferior quality of the Second Gears being offered to us today we had a higher quality reproduction made.  These new Second Gears were copied from original samples.

- Price $75.00 -

*NEW* T-84 Main Drive Gear

These are the new re-engineered High Quality reproduction Main Drive Gears for the T-84 Transmission.  Do the the inferior quality of the main drive gears being offered to us today we had a higher quality reproduction made.  These new main drive gears were copied from original GPW main drive samples.

- Price $150.00 -


*NEW* T-84 Cluster Gear

These are the new re-engineered High Quality reproduction Cluster Gears for the T-84 Transmissions.  Do to the inferior quality of the Cluster Gears being offered to use today we had a higher quality reproduction made.  These new Cluster Gears were copied from original cluster gear samples.  Comes with bushing and spacer.

- Price $175.00 -

*NEW* T-84 Main Shaft

These are the new re-engineered High Quality reproduction Main Shafts for the T-84 Transmissions.  Do to the inferior quality of the Main Shafts being offered today we had a higher quality reproduction made.  These new Main Shafts were copied from original samples.

- Price - $85.00 -





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Firewall Pad

This is the best reproduction of the firewall pad available.  All holes are pre-drilled and comes with mounting hardware.

Available in four types; Ford GPW; middle and late MB - $80.00

MB early Slat Grill $85.00


Rubber Dash Grommet Set 

These are all of the grommets used on the dash and engine compartment.  Grommet Set comes complete with instructions for grommet location.

 - Price $20.00 per set -

Windshield Frame Skin

 This skin is for the lower part of outer windshield. This is the best available and is not to be confused with some of the imports that don't fit. These Windshield Skins are U.S. made.  They are one piece stamped, not welded.

- Price $125.00 -


Windshield to Cowl Wing Screws - MB/GPW

They are a new high quality reproduction with correct angled wing. 

- Price $12.00 each -



Tandem Wiper Set

This is the new generation Tandem Wiper set     for the MB-GPW.  Unlike the previous wiper set available, this is the highest quality available.  Comes complete with all hardware. 

Price $75.00

Single Hand Wiper

These are Single Hand Windshield Wipers for the MB/GPW and CJ2A.  This is an exact reproduction.

Price $35.00

Windshield to Cowl Rubber

This is a high quality piece. It is a new softer material and is the best that I have ever sold.

Available Options

Cowl Rubber - Price $40.00

Correct Screws available - $3.00 per set

Inner Windshield Rubber - Molded MB/GPW

This is one piece, not vulcanized, just like the original.  Fits MB-GPW & CJ2A.

Price $25.00

. . .

Brass Windshield Latch - Early MB & GPW

These are the brass windshield latches found on Early model MB-GPW.  These are a nice reproduction.

- Price $30.00 each -



Top Fastener - Early Push Button Type

These are the Top Fasteners on the top outer edge of the Windshield Frame that the Canvas Top attaches to.  These fasteners are the early push button style.  These early fasteners have always been impossible to find.  We now have available these excellent exact reproductions.

- Sold in Sets of 10 - $55.00 per set of 10

Later Style Capstan Fasteners also available

Mirror Arm MB- GPW

These Mirror Arms are a very high quality product.  They are probably the best that I have seen reproduced.  They have the correct acorn nuts and the correct fiber washers.  Combine this with my tinted mirror to the right and you’ll have a perfect mirror and arm. 

Price $40.00

Tinted Mirror Head MB-GPW

These are high quality exact reproduction mirror heads.  They are marked King Bee and are available with or without the "F" mark.

Available Options

Price $25.00

GPW Front Bumper

This is our new high quality bumper with the 'F' stamp and the correct angled ends.  Unlike some of the other junk bumpers that are available this is a beautiful reproduction.

Price $85.00


MB Front Bumper

This is our new high quality plain bumper with the correct angled ends.  Unlike some of the other junk bumpers that are available this is a beautiful reproduction.

Price $65.00


These are high quality Genuine Oak Bumper Wood Filler. 

These are our own product - Made in the USA. Perfect fit for our U.S. Made Bumpers.

- Price - $65.00 -

Bumper Bolt Set GPW "F" Marked

These are sets of a set of four "F" Marked Bumper Bolts.

Price $30.00 per set of 4 bolts




These are sets of 4 Imitation Rivets for the Front Bumper Gussets on the WWII Jeep.  Each Set is enough for one side of the Jeep.  You will need 2 Sets for one vehicle.

When threaded together to a certain torque the piece that the ratchet inserts into will snap off leaving a nice and secure rivet which is actually a bolt. No heating or hammering necessary.

These Rivets are all Parkerized.  Corrosion resistance at it's finest.

- Price - $16.00 - Per set of 4 Rivets -


Now Available A new higher quality bumper gusset set at a new lower price.

BUMPER GUSSET SET MB/GPW - $60.00 per set of four Gussets










Bumper Tow Rope MB-GPW

This is a quality reproduction of the manila tow rope with braided loops used on the MB and GPW.  These ropes are 25 feet long.

 - Price $50.00 -



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More Parts are pictured below.



Bumperette GPW with "F"

These are the new Bumperettes for GPW with the "F" stamp as seen in the lower picture.  Also available for the MB in plain.

Price $45.00 GPW with "F"

$40.00 for Plain

Speedometer Cable w/ Metal Housing - MB/GPW

These are the highest quality reproduction Speedometer Cables available today for the MB and GPW.  These Speedometer Cables are a proven product.  They have been in production for more than 10 years and have always been and will continue to be a good and reliable product.  These are not the cheaper quality cables that other dealers are selling.  Don't be fooled.

Price $35.00



Rear Crossmember 

Rear Crossmember for MB and GPW.  Replace
that rusted rear crossmember with an exact
reproduction, U.S. made. 

Available for MB and GPW. 

Price $65.00

Don't see what you are looking for?  

Try checking our Catalog.

More Parts are pictured below.

NEW MB Radiators

These are the new generation MB Radiators which have been improved on.  Mounting bolts included as pictured.  You will find no better quality MB Radiator.

Price on Request


GPW Radiator Shroud

This is a high quality reproduction of the GPW Radiator Shroud.

Price $85.00

MB Radiator Shroud

This is a high quality reproduction of the MB Radiator Shroud.

Price $75.00

Radiator Seal Set - MB/GPW

This is the Radiator Seal Set complete with staples that goes between radiator and grill.

- Price - $30.00 -

Radiator Seal Set - Slat Grill

This is the Radiator Seal Set complete with staples that goes between radiator and grill.

- Price - $30.00 -

Radiator Cap - MB/GPW

This is an exact copy of the AC Radiator Cap.  It is available with the GPW "F" mark or plain for your MB.  You will not be able to tell the difference from the original.

Available Options

- Price - $20.00 -

Grill Welting Kit MB-GPW

This is the grill welting material that is riveted to the grill.  All of the pieces in this kit are cut to length and ready to be riveted.  This kit comes with the welting material and rivets as pictured.

- Price - $17.00 -




*NEW* Seal Tested Thermostat Pack

These are the new high quality Thermostats from Seal Tested.  They have a bleed hole like thermostats should have and are low temperature (165F). Sold as a pack with Gasket & Retainer or individually (see button dropdown).

Available Options

- Price - $30.00 - 


Thermostat Package MB-GPW

This is a thermostat package for the MB & GPW.  This kit contains a new Thermostat, Retainer and Housing Gasket.

Available Options

- Price - $20.00 -







High Quality Amp Gauge

This is the best reproduction Amp Gauge on the market today not the junk chrome gauges that others sell. They will fit MB - GPW, CJ2A, 3A & 3B.

Price $50.00



High Quality Fuel Gauge

This is the best reproduction Fuel Gauge on the market today not the junk chrome gauges that others sell. They are available in 6 and 12 volt and will fit MB - GPW, CJ2A, 3A & 3B.

Fuel Gauges - Available Options

Price $50.00 


High Quality Oil Pressure Gauge

This is the best reproduction Oil Pressure Gauge on the market today not the junk chrome gauges that others sell. They will fit MB - GPW, CJ2A, 3A & 3B.

Now Available are GPW style Oil Pressure Gauges.

Oil Pressure Gauges - Available Options

Price $50.00


High Quality Temperature Gauge

This is the best reproduction Temperature Gauge on the market today not the junk chrome gauges that others sell. They will fit MB - GPW, CJ2A, 3A & 3B.

Now Available are GPW style Temperature Gauges.

Temperature Gauges - Available Options

Price $75.00


Oil Gauge to Engine Tube Kit

This Kit contains all of the components necessary to connect your Oil Pressure Gauge to the Engine Block.

Price $45.00

All of the pieces in this kit are available individually.  Please see our catalog for more informartion.




Junior Oil Filter Oil Line Set with Fittings

This set contains one Long Oil Line, one Short Oil and three fittings to work with the Junior Oil Filter.  These are the best oil lines available today in both quality and appearance.

Available Options

Oil Filter Bracket - MB & GPW

These are high quality exact reproduction Oil Filter Brackets for the GPW.  These brackets are marked for the GPW.  This is the bracket that mounts on the Cylinder Head.  GPW Bracket pictured.

Available Options

- Price - $50.00 -




Don't see what you are looking for? 

Try checking our Catalog.

More Parts are pictured below.




Oil Can Bracket

This is an exact reproduction of the Oil Can Bracket.  These are plated (not painted) and they even have the B stamped on the bottom of them, just like an original.

- Price - $18.00 -


Eagle Oil Can

This is a perfect reproduction of the Eagle Oil Can that is found in all WWII Jeeps and Trucks.

- Price - $20.00 -


6 and 12 Volt Corcoran Brown Headlights

 These Corcoran Brown Headlights have the correct Seelite and CB markings and the bulb inside the housing as found on original CB headlights.  These are the best reproduction. headlights available today

Available Options

- Price - $42.00 -


Headlight Bucket - MB/GPW

These are exact reproduction Headlight Buckets for the MB/GPW.  Available “F” marked for GPW and CB Marked for the MB.

Available Options

Headlight Bucket - MB/GPW - $60.00 Each

Headlight Arm Mounting Bolt

This is a nice reproduction of the bolt which holds the headlight arm to the fender.

Price $12.00


Grill Marker Light WOF

 These are Willys of France marker lights that are close to the U.S. type. I made a good deal on these and am offering these at a good price. These are a great replacement Marker Light.

- Price $30.00 each -

Marker Light GPW

These are exact reproduction Marker Lights are mounted in the grill.  They have the proper tear drop mounting surface and "F" mark.  An exact reproduction - satisfaction guaranteed.ddddd

Available Options

- Price $75.00 each -


Marker Light MB 

These exact reproduction Marker Lights are mounted in the grill.  They are the same high quality as the GPW Marker Lights, but they have the round mounting surface that was used on the MB.  These are CB marked.

Available Options

- Price $75.00 each - 


Marker Light Door - GPW

An exact reproduction - satisfaction guaranteed.

- Price $30.00 each -

(Click pictures for larger views)


Marker Light Door - MB

An exact reproduction - satisfaction guaranteed.

- Price $30.00 each -

(Click pictures for larger views)


Hood Drain 

Hood Drain for all flat fender models.  This part mounts on the existing hood hinge and diverts water away from the engine along the cowl.  This will prevent water from contacting the spark plugs.

- Price$15.00 -




Fire Extinguisher

The Fire Extinguisher has always been a hard 
item to find.  With this nice reproduction there will be no more searching Ebay.

Price $150.00

Fire Extinguisher Bracket

This is a nice reproduction of the Fire Extinguisher Bracket that will work in all vehicles.  Comes complete with mounting feet.

 - Fire Extinguisher Bracket - $45.00 -






Early Fire Extinguisher Bracket "F"

This is the new early Fire Extinguisher Bracket with "F" marking.  This is the nicest reproduction of this bracket available.

Price $75.00

New Fire Extinguisher Brass Data Plates

Up until now you could only get decals for your fire extinguisher, but that has now changed.  These are a high quality brass reproduction that can be attached to any unit.

Price $20.00


New Decontaminator Brass Data Plate

Up until now you could only get decals for your decontaminator, but that has now changed.  These are a high quality brass reproduction that can be attached to any unit.

Price $20.00


Decontaminator - MB-GPW

The decontaminator has always been a hard 
item to find.  With this nice reproduction there will be no more searching Ebay.

- Price $200.00 -

Decontaminator Bracket - MB-GPW

This is a quality reproduction of the Decontaminator Bracket used on the MB and GPW.

- Price $45.00 -



Engine Hand Crank

These are reproductions of the Engine Hand Crank. They are available for MB and GPW with correct markings.

Available Options


- MB $45.00 -

- GPW $50.00 -

Hand Crank Nut

High Quality reproduction of the Engine Hand Crank Nut.

- Price - $12.00 - 


These Jacks are part of the Jeep tool kit. This has always been a hard to find item and now your search is over. This high quality reproduction is just like the original.

- Price $135.00 -



Don't see what you are looking for?  

Try checking our Catalog.

More Parts are pictured below.



Lug Wrench - MB/GPW

These good quality reproduction Lug Wrenches for the MB and GPW.  These lug wrenches are unmarked..  These wrenches are used to remove the lug nuts from your Jeep and it is also used as the lever to operate the Jack.

Lug Wrench MB/GPW - Price $25.00





Hub Puller

Now Available High Quality Hub Puller with Correct Markings.  This was part of the tool kit in all WWII Jeeps.  This is a handy tool to have.

Price $30.00


Original WWII Spark Plug Wrench

Price $15.00





Hub Wrench

These are high quality reproduction Hub Wrenches found in the tool kit of all Jeeps.  Available in Willys MB and GPW.

Available Options


- Price $25.00 -

Original NOS Hub Wrenches also available for $45.00 - please call.

Mock .30 Caliber Machine Gun 

Now Available are these Mock .30 Caliber Machine Guns.  These mock guns are made from steel.  They are painted black and the receiver does slide.

Please call for more information.

M31C Pedestal Mount

 These are extremely high quality M31C Pedestal Mounts used in the WWII Jeep and many other vehicles.  These Mounts are proudly made in the USA.  Comes as pictured with Data Plate and Legs.

- Price $1,000.00 -

The M31C Pedestal Mount Data Plate also available Separately at the price of $14.00.

Fork Mount .30 Cal

This is highest quality reproduction on the market today.

Price $395.00






Mock .50 Caliber Machine Gun

Now Available are these Mock .50 Caliber Machine Guns.  These mock guns are made from steel.  The barrel is removable.   They are painted black, the handles are wooden and the receiver does slide.

Please call for more information.

.50 Cal Cradle Mount

Now available are these .50 Cal Cradle Mounts.  These are the post war mounts.

Price $475.00


MB-GPW Horn 6 Volt

These are a great reproduction of the original 6 Volt Jeep Horn.  This is the best that we have ever seen.


- 6 Volt Horn - Price $185.00 -


MB-GPW Horn 12 Volt

These are great reproductions of the original Jeep Horn. This is the best that we have ever seen. This horn is now available in 12 Volts for those with 12 volt electrical systems in their jeeps.

- 12 Volt Horn - Price $185.00 -


Rifle Rack

 This was mounted on the windshield frame of MB-GPW & M38 models. It is the best reproduction of  this item available.

- Price $185.00 -






MB-GPW Rifle Bracket Set

We had these made due to popular demand.  If you do not have rifle brackets on your windshield frame we now have the solution to your problem.  These are high quality reproduction.  They come spot welded and ready to be installed.  This is not the offshore junk that others are selling.  Sold as a set.

- Price $55.00 -


*NEW* Manual for Installation of Radio Suppression Components, Bonding Straps, Bonding Points, Capacitive Filters and Star Washers

This 92 page illustrated manual by Paolo Batisti is a must have item if you are doing a restoration.

- Price $25.00 -




MB Early - MB Late - GPW

Bond Strap Set 

These are the ground straps that are found through out the vehicle. They play an important part in grounding your vehicle. In a 6 volt system good grounding is essential for quick startups. These kits come in GPW, MB early 
and MB late, as you can see they come with hardware, and clips. This is a first class kit and 
I am proud to offer these to my customers

Early MB  $190.00

GPW $190.00

Late MB $190.00



Air Cleaner Element Conversion Kit

This is a kit developed to convert from the Oil Bath type filter to a dry throw away filter.  This kit comes complete with filter, new gasket and instructions.

Price $115.00




Grease Gun Bracket

This is the bracket that is mounted under the hood to secure the grease gun. This is a exact reproduction.

Grease Gun Bracket - $35.00







Air Cleaner Crossover Tube Assembly - MB/GPW

These are reproduction Air Cleaner Crossover Tube Assemblies for the MB and GPW WWII Jeep.  They are available in the early style with no vent and in the standard (later) style with the vent.  Both vented and non-vented types are available plain or GPW "F" marked.  

These assemblies include the Crossover Tube, Air Horn, Air Horn to Crossover Tube Bushing (with clamp) and the Air Horn to Carburetor Seal (with clamp).

All Parts Available Separately - Please see below or visit our Catalog.

Available Options

Air Cleaner Crossover Tube - MB/GPW

These are reproduction Air Cleaner Crossover Tubes for the MB and GPW WWII Jeep.  They are available in the early style with no vent and in the standard (later) style with the vent.  Both vented and non-vented types are available plain or GPW "F" marked.

Available Options

- Price $35.00 -


Air Cleaner Flexible Hose w/ Clamps

This is the hose that connects the Air Cleaner to the Crossover Air Tube.  Comes as pictured with the correct wire clamps.  This is perfect in looks and fit.

Available Options

- Flexible Hose - No Clamps - Price $28.00 -

- Flexible Hose with Clamps - Price $35.00 -

Clamps also available separately at $3.50 each.

Carburetor Air Horn

This is is the air horn that attaches to the top of the carburetor.

- Price - $20.00 -




First Aid Bracket

This is the bracket mounted under the dash for the first aid kit. Another high quality reproduction 

First Aid Bracket - $45.00

WWII First Aid Box

A beautiful reproduction that you cannot tell from an original.

WWII First Aid Box - $55.00

Two Piece Skid Plate - U.S. Made

Two piece skid plate, this has never been 
available in a reproduction before. I had these copied from a original and like my other parts they are perfect. The large plate is used alone on early models. The second plate was added to later models. 

Price $125.00 Two Piece Set w/ Hardware

- Sold separately - $75.00 large plate - $50.00 small plate -

One Piece Skid Plate - U.S. Made

This is a reproduction of the one piece skid plate used on mid war jeeps.  This was copied from an original it is perfect like the other skid plates that I offer.

- Price $165.00 w/ Hardware -


Corcoran Brown CB Reflectors

These are exact reproductions round CB Reflectors used on the MB.  These reflectors have the correct No.14 lenses and correct reflector pattern that was used in WWII.

Round Reflector Options


 - Price $65.00 per set of four -

Also available - Round Guide Reflectors that are "F" Marked for the GPW.


Oval Guide Reflectors

These are exact reproductions of the Oval Guide Reflectors used on the later MB and GPW.   These reflectors have the correct No.14 lenses and correct reflector pattern that was used in WWII.

- Price $65.00 per set of four -


Double Decal Set GPW

GPW Double Decal Set - Price $16.00


Double Decal Set MB

MB Double Decal Set - Price $16.00

*New High Quality* Tinted Inside Rear View Mirror w/ Bracket - MB/GPW

These are our new high quality Tinted Glass Inside Rear View Mirrors for the more discerning MB and GPW owner.  These mirrors have the same tinted glass as our high quality side mirrors.

Tinted Inside Rear View Mirror w/ Bracket - MB/GPW - Price $50.00

Inside Rear View Mirror w/ Bracket - MB/GPW

Inside Rear View Mirror w/ Bracket - MB/GPW - Price $40.00












Lubrication Chart MB-GPW

This is a high quality reproduction of the Lubrication Chart used on the MB & GPW.  Each chart is double side printed, laminated and has the correct metal trim.

- Price $45.00 -

Lubrication Chart Holder MB-GPW

This is a high quality reproduction of the Lubrication charge holder that mounts under the hood to hold the lubrication chart.

- Price $50.00 -



Front Fender Anti-squeak Set

This set covers both front fenders.

Price $20.00

Desert Cooling Kit

This is a nice reproduction of the cooling kit that was mounted in front of the grill, it comes complete with all brackets and hardware.  This is the best quality cooling kit on the market today.




Body Mounting Pad Set MB

These are 14 piece Body Mounting Pad Kits for the Willys MB.  These are the correct rubber pads and felt for the MB.

- Price - $25.00 - 

Body Mounting Pad Set GPW

These are 14 piece Body Mounting Pad Kits for the Ford GPW.  These are the correct fabric pads and felt for the GPW.

- Price - $25.00 - 


Ford GPW and MB Front Floor Seal Set

These floor seals help keep air from entering the floor board.  Kits available for both MB and GPW.  Please specify if you order by telephone or email.

Available Options


- Price $20.00 -

Floor Ring Set

These are the rings necessary to hold the boots and seals to the floorboard of all MB-GPW.

Kit includes transmission boot ring, transfer boot ring, steering column seal ring and dimmer switch seal ring.

Price $25.00 per set

*note - When ordering please include year and model of vehicle.


Leather Transmission Shift Lever Boot

These are Leather Transmission Shift Lever Boots for the MB and GPW.  These boots are the correct green color.

- Price - $15.00 - 

Leather Transfer Case Shift Lever Boot

These are Leather Transmission Shift Lever Boots for the MB and GPW.  These boots are the correct green color.

- Price - $15.00 -


Don't see what you are looking for?  

Try checking our MB-GPW Catalog.

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